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L'Union européenne et ses voisinages

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For more than fifteen years our research group has been observing and analyzing relationships between the European Union and its neighbors to the South and the East.

Contrary to the hopes and objectives stated when the Neighborhood Policy (ENP) was launched, namely the lasting establishment of peace, prosperity and democracy, these regions, which were supposed to form a “ring of friends”, are increasingly experiencing tensions , crises, breaches of the rule of law and even armed conflicts, some of them of high intensity.

This situation affects the Union itself and undermines its credibility.

Combined with more global challenges – particularly in the fields of energy, digital technology, space, and defense – it raises the question of the Union’s strategic and geopolitical capability.

While undeniable progress has been made in the areas mentioned above in the face of new challenges and new players (China, Russia, Iran, the BRICS, etc.) the transformation is far from complete, particularly as regards the pacification of the European continent and the countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean.

It is this incompleteness, its causes and consequences, that we will examine in this conference, with the help of eminent experts and in the light of ongoing conflicts like the war in Ukraine , the Nagorno Karabakh , the Israeli – Palestinian situation , the Libyan unresolved war…

Groupe de recherche sur la politique de voisinage

Le groupe de recherche sur la politique de voisinage a été créé en 2010. Il compte une vingtaine de membres (universitaires et praticien·nes). Après avoir examiné le projet français, puis européen, d’Union pour la Méditerranée, il s’est penché sur l’évaluation et la réforme de la politique européenne de voisinage. Il a aussi fourni dans ce cadre une contribution écrite sur ce sujet en réponse au Livre blanc de la Commission européenne.

Ce groupe a créé en son sein deux sous-groupes spécialisés, l’un sur les valeurs et l’autre sur les dimensions de sécurité.

Il se réunit une fois par mois au campus Saint-Louis - Bruxelles ou chez l’un de ses membres.

Inscription gratuite mais indispensable.

  • Tuesday, 06 February 2024, 08h00
    Tuesday, 06 February 2024, 17h00