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Closing conferences - Prof. Stone International Professor Francqui

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Dr. De Meulder & Prof. Stone
“What’s in a gaze? Sign language interpreters and deaf consumers engaging in gaze work”

Abstract :
This presentation will reflect upon the research undertaken by Profs Maartje De Meulder and Christopher Stone who wrote from their experiences and observations as a deaf academic and interpreter consumer (Maartje) and a (hearing) academic, BSL/ASL/IS/English interpreter and occasional interpreter consumer (Christopher). They will explore the research process of writing together as deaf and hearing academics, the different gazes they have according to their identities and experiences. They will also consider the different ways of gazing at collected data and observations, including the roles of practisearchers within the field.

Local : P02


  • Friday, 14 June 2024, 08h00
    Friday, 14 June 2024, 17h00