From Toledo to Gotha | Louvain, 14-15 octobre 2022

14 Oct15 Oct
A joint event KULeuven, UCLouvain, and SOFIME, the conference will foster a general re-setting of the debate on the “Avicenna Latinus”, shedding light on some obscure aspects of his influence on European philosophy through an organic, longue-durée and inter-linguistic approach to his philosophical production. Avicenna’s role in the constitution of European philosophy and science will be examined by discussing a series of intertwined questions touching upon a plurality of domains and aspects, from the material production and circulation of the Latin translations of Avicenna’s works to the impact of the latter on philosophical doctrines and medical practices developed in Europe.
Keynote speakers: Brian Copenhaver (UCLA), Amos Bertolacci (Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca), Iolanda Ventura (University of Bologna)
With H. Amini, M. Beltrán, L. Burzelli, M. Cabré Duran, A. Gavrić, P. Hernández Rubio, J. Higuera Rubio, , M. J. Jaramillo, S. Kreeger, I. Lánczky, C. A. Lértora Mendoza, R. Ma, P. Mantas España, M. Martín Gómez, M. Novina, A. Passera, A. Rinotas, M. Signori, M. T. Shahed Tabatabaei, C. Teleanu
Organized by Cécile Bonmariage (UCLouvain), Sébastien Moureau (UCLouvain), Nicola Polloni (KU Leuven), Andrea Aldo Robiglio (KU Leuven).
Scientific committee : Jacob Schmutz | Charles Burnett | Silvia Di Donato | Dag Nikolaus Hasse | Andreas Lammer | Olga Lizzini | Pedro Mantas España | Cecilia Martini | Maarten Van Dyck | Gerd Van Riel
With funding from HIW, De Wulf-Mansion Centrum, FRS-FNRS, Centre De Wulf-Mansion
Friday, 14 October 2022
AV 91.12 | Auditoriacomplex (122-20) Parkstraat 49, Leuven
8.45-9.00 Opening of the conference
9.00-10.00 Keynote Lecture by Amos BERTOLACCI | “Avicenna and the Destiny of Man” (chair Nicola POLLONI)
10.00-10.20 coffee break
Session 1 – Metaphysical and Physical Issues in Avicenna’s Philosophy (chair Cecilia MARTINI)
10.20-10.35 José HIGUERA RUBIO | “Matter and Motion’s Dilemma: How Averroes Questioned Avicenna in the Substantia orbis”
10.35-10.50 Miquel BELTRÁN | “Love in Metaphysics Book IX (As Coherent with the Approach Found in Ibn Sina’s Treatise on Love)”
10.50-11.05 István LÁNCZKY | “Thing and Existent in Context: Reading Avicenna’s Primary Concepts Against the Theological Background”
11.05-11.25 Panel discussion
11.25-11.40 Constantin TELEANU | “Ens necessarium/al-wuğūd muṭlaq. Avicenne, Algazel, Lulle et l’objet de la métaphysique”
11.40-11.55 Seth KREEGER | “Being and Some Medieval Avicennians”
11.55-12.15 Panel discussion
12.15-15.00 Lunch break
Session 2 – Avicenna’s Influence on the Scholastic debate (chair Richard TAYLOR)
15.00-15.15 Celina A. LÉRTORA MENDOZA (remote) | “La modesta presencia aviceniana en Grosseteste: una hipótesis”
15.15-15.30 Paloma HERNÁNDEZ RUBIO | “Ab appendiciis materiae: The Albertian Transformation of the Avicennian Notion of Appendages of Matter”
15.30-15.45 Anto GAVRIĆ | “La réception d’Avicenne dans les œuvres des premiers disciples de saint Thomas d’Aquin”
15.45-16.05 Panel discussion
16.05-16.20 Alessandro PASSERA | “Avicenne et Avicennisme invisible. Un cas d'étude au finir du XIII siècle”
16.20-16.35 Maria José JARAMILLO | “The Avicennian Concept of Commonness and Its Influence on Duns Scotus”
16.35-16.50 Athanasios RINOTAS | “Avicenna’s Divisions of Intellectual Sciences as a Possible Influence on Albertus Magnus’ Conception of ‘Pseudo-Sciences’”
16.50-17.00 Panel discussion
17.00-17.30 Coffee break
17.30-18.30 Keynote Lecture by Iolanda Ventura : “Avicenna's Role in the Systematization of Galenic Pharmacology” (chair by Cécile BONMARIAGE)
18.30-20.00 Olga LIZZINI and Josep PUIG MONTADA | Discussion of the book edited by Daniel De Smet and Meryem Sebti. Penser avec Avicenne. De l'héritage grec à la réception latine, en hommage à Jules Janssens (Louvain 2022)
20.00-22.00 Conference dinner
Saturday, 15 October 2022
Zaal Couvreur | Learning Center AGORA (114-01), Edward Van Evenstraat 4, Leuven
9.30-10.30 Keynote Lecture by Brian Copenhaver | “Was Avicenna a Good Peripatetic in Pico’s Conclusions?” (chair Andrea Aldo ROBIGLIO)
10-30-10.50 Coffee break
Session 3 – Avicenna and the Scientific Tradition (chair Andreas LAMMER)
10.50-11.05 Marina NOVINA | “Philosophy as the Foundation of Medicine in the Avicenna’s Canon”
11.05-11.20 Marco SIGNORI | “Avicennan Fevers: Imperceptible Illness in the Latin Avicenna and Algazel, and Their Readers”
11.20-11.35 Ruizhi MA | “Avicenna’s Real Distinction Between Color and Light: Its Inspiration, Innovation and Impact”
11.35-11.55 Panel discussion
11.55-12.10 Maria CABRÉ DURAN and Jaume MENSA I VALLS | “Avicena en el Speculum medicine de Arnau de Vilanova”
12.10-12.25 Hassan AMINI | “A Fragment of De quaesitis: Avicenna’s Contribution to a Debate on the Celestial Bodies”
12.25-12.40 Panel discussion
12.40-15.00 Lunch break
Session 4 – Avicenna in the Renaissance and Early Modern Tradition (chair Josep PUIG MONTADA)
15.00-15.15 Luca BURZELLI | “Avicenna’s Hylomorphism and Its Renaissance Readers: The Case of Gasparo Contarini”
15.15-15.30 María MARTÍN GÓMEZ | “Presencia y ausencia de Avicena en la Escuela de Salamanca”
15.30-15.45 Shahed TABATABAEI | “Between Avicenna and Spinoza: On the Proper Beginning of the Science of Metaphysics”
15.45-16.00 Pedro MANTAS ESPAÑA | “The Ambivalent Reception of Avicenna in 19th century Spanish Historiography”
16.00-16.30 Panel discussion
16.30-16.45 Closing of the conference
17.15-19.30 General Assembly of the Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval (SOFIME)
20.00-22.00 Dinner
Friday, 14 October 2022, 08h00Saturday, 15 October 2022, 17h00