The next ISPOLE seminar of this academic year will be organised on Friday 10 February.
We will have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Joost de Moor (Sciences Po,Paris) and Dr. Graeme Hayes (Editor of Environmental Politics, AstonUniversity, UK). They will share their reflections on a collection of critical essays on the meanings of 'time' and 'temporality' in recent waves of climate activism. Their presentation will draw on a specialissue recently published in South Atlantic Quarterly, with contributions from Dr Anneleen Kenis, Prof. Sherilyn MacGregor and Dr Louise Knops. Please find attached the introduction by de Moore and the paper by MacGregor and Hayes to be read for this session (abstract below).
The seminar will take place from 12.45 to 14.00, Leclercq B290. It is also possible to attend via Teams (the link will be communicated later). A sandwich lunch will be organised for participants at 12.15 (ISPOLE cafeteria). Please indicate here (before Tuesday 31 January) whether you wish to attend in person or via Teams.