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New massive open online courses (MOOCs) become available all the time, and UCLouvain is participating in this movement by offering courses related to sustainable development via its dedicated LouvainX platform

Introduction to the challenges of sustainable development and transition

Employing the expertise of around 30 members of the UCLouvain community, this online course introduces you to the various dimensions of sustainable development and highlights the controversies that surround proposed solutions. Examples of actions carried out on the various UCLouvain campuses provide food for thought. Currently being tested with around 50 students from various faculties, in 2022 this small private online course (SPOC – LBIR2050) will become a MOOC accessible to anyone.

Divided into eight modules, this resolutely interdisciplinary course meets students’ requests for training across the University regarding the challenges to sustainable development and transition:

Module 1 · Understanding the roots of sustainable development
Module 2 · Advancing human well-being
Module 3 · Rethinking agricultural, food and health systems
Module 4 · Developing fair and durable economies
Module 5 · Limiting environmental and climatic impacts
Module 6 · Protecting our shared environmental heritage
Module 7 · Managing space (incoming)

Discover corporate social responsibility (CSR)

This online course is structured around six chapters covering very diverse themes, from a global overview of what corporate social responsibility (CSR) is and its integration into business strategies, to the question of how to become a responsible leader. This course features a large number of videos sharing the knowledge and practical experiences of academic experts and actors in the field.

CSR reporting and communication

By presenting the opinions and experiences of CSR and communication experts from both academia and the business world, this online course invites managers, consumers, and citizens to acquire an in-depth understanding of and critical approach to CSR reporting and communications.


Refugees and the right to asylum

What is asylum? The principle of non-refoulement? These complex topics are addressed in this MOOC which, beyond law, underlines the importance of the interdisciplinary approach. Anchored in the present but also focused on future challenges, this course also addresses the issue of climate refugees.

Foundations of social and solidarity economies

This MOOC explores the “third sector”, as distinguished from the private and public domains. It offers a rigorous analysis of social and solidarity economies and the need for a plural economy, and provides the tools for an in-depth understanding of meaningful businesses.

Natural resources and sustainable development

This MOOC guides students in understanding the opportunities of the presence of natural resources while recognising the challenges it brings, both locally and globally. Analysing the socioeconomic and ecological effects of the current rush for natural resources allows us to better perceive the links between agrarian, food, and environmental crises.

International human rights law

Master the language and concepts of international human law with this one-year MOOCAmong the topics covered: understanding the rules applicable to certain specific professions and fields such as diplomacy, humanitarian aid, NGOs, etc.

Systematic approach to health system governance

This online course invites students to propose lasting changes at the individual and collective levels in the healthcare sector as they model and analyse complex situations surrounding patient well-being.