TEC offfers 40 MOBIB CARDS ! Deadline 13 September
transit |
Get your TEC MOBIB CARD and test the TEC and TEC EXPRESS networks for free!
Reserved to UCLouvain staff (Louvain-la-Neuve campus) from 11 to 13 September 23. Free journeys between 16 and 29 September.
To get this card, fill the form before midnight on September 13. The 40 firsts will be notified on 14 September and will be able to collect their Mobib card at CADG from 15 September. Cards not collected by 19 September will be redistributed.
Form opened from 11 to 13/9
Over the last few months, we have unfortunately experienced difficulties with the SNCB service to our campus in Louvain-la-Neuve. The railway operator apologises for these temporary inconveniences due to work at Ottignies and Louvain-la-Neuve stations. Some of you have unfortunately told us that you have given up your train pass. At the start of this academic year, others may not want to embark on the rail adventure.
You should know that around 20% of workers and students say that the train is their main mode of transport. This represents around 4,500 of the 6,195 people who use Louvain-la-Neuve, Wallonia's 6th busiest station, every day, and we will be doing everything we can to increase this figure.
It is for this reason that, during this period of work, UCLouvain has requested the assistance of the TEC: we are pleased to announce that, in order to facilitate journeys for members of staff who do not subscribe to the TEC and who wish to test the network, the TEC is offering 40 free MOBIB cards allowing them to use the entire TEC network (including the Express lines) between 16 and 29 September 2023. These cards are not nominative and can therefore be used alternately by several people depending on the days they are present on campus.
Travel by staff and students weight for 55% of UCLouvain's total CO2 emissions. Daily commutes, research trips, conferences, international exchanges...
UCLouvain keeps you moving! You will find here all the assistance offered by UCLouvain to encourage its staff to choose, as far as possible, options other than the private car to get to work.
This offer is reserved to UCLouvain staff members who do not have or no longer hold a SNCB/TEC or SNCB combined season ticket to and from work.
Contact: coordinateur-mobilite@uclouvain.be