Archive des événements passés du site Institute Of NeuroScience
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Thesis defence of Dr Océane Perdaens19 DecThe Institute of NeuroScience and CEMO department are pleased to invite you to the thesis defence of Doctor Océane PERDAENS, entitled: "COULD MICRO RNAS EXPLAIN DEMYELINATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND OPEN DOORS TO REMYELINATING STRATEGIES?" This event will take place on Tuesday December 19th 2023 at 5 pm (CET) in the de Visscher Auditorium. Thesis presented in order to obtain the dEn savoir plusThesis defence of Dr Océane Perdaens19 DecThe Institute of NeuroScience and CEMO department are pleased to invite you to the thesis defence of Doctor Océane PERDAENS, entitled: "COULD MICRO RNAS EXPLAIN DEMYELINATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND OPEN DOORS TO REMYELINATING STRATEGIES?" This event will take place on Tuesday December 19th 2023 at 5 pm (CET) in the de Visscher Auditorium. Thesis presented in order to obtain the d
IoNS/NEUR - Séminaire Michael Schöll 19 décembre de 12h30 - salle Harvey 2 (LEW)19 DecL’IoNS et le pôle NEUR ont le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire donné par le professeur Michael Schöll (Université de Göteborg, Suède et chercheur principal à l'UCLondon) intitulé : « Bringing AD biomarkers into clinical practice - A Swedish perspective » Ce séminaire aura lieu le mardi 19 décembre de 12h30 à 13h30 dans la salle Harvey 2 (LEW).En savoir plusIoNS/NEUR - Séminaire Michael Schöll 19 décembre de 12h30 - salle Harvey 2 (LEW)19 DecL’IoNS et le pôle NEUR ont le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire donné par le professeur Michael Schöll (Université de Göteborg, Suède et chercheur principal à l'UCLondon) intitulé : « Bringing AD biomarkers into clinical practice - A Swedish perspective » Ce séminaire aura lieu le mardi 19 décembre de 12h30 à 13h30 dans la salle Harvey 2 (LEW).
Soutenance publique de thèse de Vincent Malotaux18 Dec
Public defense - Elisa Calvo Jiménez (CEMO)13 DecThe CEMO Division is pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mrs Elisa CALVO JIMÉNEZ, entitled: “Identification of novel Reelin-regulated proteins important for Golgi dynamics during neuronal migration and dendrite morphogenesis in the developing neocortex” in order to obtain the final qualification of Doctor of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. Wednesday December, 13th 2023 – 3:00En savoir plusPublic defense - Elisa Calvo Jiménez (CEMO)13 DecThe CEMO Division is pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mrs Elisa CALVO JIMÉNEZ, entitled: “Identification of novel Reelin-regulated proteins important for Golgi dynamics during neuronal migration and dendrite morphogenesis in the developing neocortex” in order to obtain the final qualification of Doctor of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. Wednesday December, 13th 2023 – 3:00
IPSY Symposium11 DecIPSY is happy to invite you to the symposium preceding the Public Defence of Jolien Schuurmans. December 11th, 10:00-12:00 Salle du Conseil (A224) Speaker 1: Prof. Dr.En savoir plusIPSY Symposium11 DecIPSY is happy to invite you to the symposium preceding the Public Defence of Jolien Schuurmans. December 11th, 10:00-12:00 Salle du Conseil (A224) Speaker 1: Prof. Dr.
CEMO Seminar - Justyna Startek06 DecWe are pleased to announce the next CEMO seminar on Wednesday 6th of December in the Pasteur 2 room, from noon to 2 pm. We have an invited speaker coming from KULeuven. Justyna STARTEK works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Laboratory of Ion Channel Research (VIB-KU Leuven) and the title of her talk is: A TR(I)P THROUGH TRPA1 MECHANOSENSITIVITY During the last 10 years, Justyna Startek focusEn savoir plusCEMO Seminar - Justyna Startek06 DecWe are pleased to announce the next CEMO seminar on Wednesday 6th of December in the Pasteur 2 room, from noon to 2 pm. We have an invited speaker coming from KULeuven. Justyna STARTEK works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Laboratory of Ion Channel Research (VIB-KU Leuven) and the title of her talk is: A TR(I)P THROUGH TRPA1 MECHANOSENSITIVITY During the last 10 years, Justyna Startek focus
BNS Symposium - Neuro-Inflammatory Diseases02 DecProgram 8h50 – 9h00 - Opening of the Symposium 9h00 – 9h30 - BNS Prizes 2023 - Chair: Kristl Claeys (KU Leuven) SESSION 1 - Chair: Roel Crols (Rumst): 9h30 – 10h00 - Neurological manifestations of auto-inflammatory diseases. Jeroen Kerstens (University Antwerpen) 10h00 – 10h45 - The brain-immune ecosystem and implications to immunotherapy to defeat Alzheimer’s disease. Michal Schwartz (WeiEn savoir plusBNS Symposium - Neuro-Inflammatory Diseases02 DecProgram 8h50 – 9h00 - Opening of the Symposium 9h00 – 9h30 - BNS Prizes 2023 - Chair: Kristl Claeys (KU Leuven) SESSION 1 - Chair: Roel Crols (Rumst): 9h30 – 10h00 - Neurological manifestations of auto-inflammatory diseases. Jeroen Kerstens (University Antwerpen) 10h00 – 10h45 - The brain-immune ecosystem and implications to immunotherapy to defeat Alzheimer’s disease. Michal Schwartz (Wei
Chaire de la Vallée Poussin - Kathryn Hess Bellwald29 Nov01 DecHomotopical perspectives on algebra and geometry Mercredi 29 novembre à 16h30 Inaugural Lecture followed by a reception Hochschild homology: from classical to modern Auditoire de la Vallée Poussin (CYCL 01) Jeudi 30 novembre à 16h30 Lecture 2 Homotopical perspectives on Morita and Hopf-Galois theory Auditoire de la Vallée Poussin (CYCL 01) Vendredi 1er décembre à 10h45 Lecture 3 ConfigurationEn savoir plusChaire de la Vallée Poussin - Kathryn Hess Bellwald29 Nov01 DecHomotopical perspectives on algebra and geometry Mercredi 29 novembre à 16h30 Inaugural Lecture followed by a reception Hochschild homology: from classical to modern Auditoire de la Vallée Poussin (CYCL 01) Jeudi 30 novembre à 16h30 Lecture 2 Homotopical perspectives on Morita and Hopf-Galois theory Auditoire de la Vallée Poussin (CYCL 01) Vendredi 1er décembre à 10h45 Lecture 3 Configuration
Congrès 2023 de médecine générale25 NovProgramme du matin (de 9h00 à 12h00) Algologie 1. Bases neurophysiologiques de la douleur, y compris la différence entre la perception chez l’homme et la femme Professeur André Mouraux , IONS Institut des neurosciences UCL Modérateur : Dr Georges Richard 2.En savoir plusCongrès 2023 de médecine générale25 NovProgramme du matin (de 9h00 à 12h00) Algologie 1. Bases neurophysiologiques de la douleur, y compris la différence entre la perception chez l’homme et la femme Professeur André Mouraux , IONS Institut des neurosciences UCL Modérateur : Dr Georges Richard 2.
Neurocog Conference 202323 Nov24 NovNeuroCog is an international conference intending to provide a workshop for recent advances in all domains of cognitive neurosciences. This year’s conference topic is Neurocognition across the life span, with six keynote lectures provided by leaders in the field. When and where ?En savoir plusNeurocog Conference 202323 Nov24 NovNeuroCog is an international conference intending to provide a workshop for recent advances in all domains of cognitive neurosciences. This year’s conference topic is Neurocognition across the life span, with six keynote lectures provided by leaders in the field. When and where ?