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Intellectual property

epl | Louvain-la-Neuve, Charleroi

General case

It is important to note that any work conducted by students within the frame of their master thesis remain their own property. So, if the work aims at being used by other researchers or is conducted as the continuation of an existing work, it is important for all parties to sign appropriate agreements (see this example, as detailed in this short introductory document). More details can be found on the research administration web pages. In some cases, confidentiality is also required: this can be described in an appropriate confidentiality agreement, as in this example. For any questions, please contact Marie-Anne Crijns.

Collaboration with companies

Collaboration with a company usually implies to define intellectual property of the conducted work and result through appropriate agreements between the student, the research team and the company.

An example of such an agreement can be found here. Companies often have their own document to be signed by all parties. In any case, it is important to check that the documents you sign comply with the university rules in terms of intellectual property. This should be checked prior to signature with the research administration of UCLouvain (Marie-Anne Crijns).