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Courses available to incoming joint degree students

epl | Louvain-la-Neuve, Charleroi

Incoming joint degrees students registered at Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain have access to all courses organized by EPL in the 2nd cycle (Master programmes), unless restrictions are mentioned in the agreement with your university. Please check the restrictions mentioned in the agreement with your university first.


Most of the courses you choose must be part of the master's programme for which you have been nominated.


The standard total workload for an EPL student is 30 ECTS per semester (including EPL courses and eventually some non-EPL courses).
The courses organised by EPL begin with LGCIV, LELEC, LINFO, LDATA, LINMA, LMAPR, LMECA, LGBIO, LFSA or LEPL.


The amount of non-EPL courses is strictly limited to a maximum of 16 ECTS courses per Master’s cycle, whether they are organized by the ILV (max 8 ECTS language courses) or by other faculties (max 8 ECTS).


Please note that if you do not have the prerequisites for the courses you choose, you will not be allowed to take them.


If you are searching for a specific course or the content of a specific course, you can use key words and search through the main UCLouvain Study Programmes search engine (selecting English as the language of instruction will show you the list of available courses taught in English). The easiest way to do this is to click on the "Search for a course unit" tab.
Generally, courses with a number starting with 1xxx are Bachelor courses and courses with a number starting with 2xxx are Master courses.

You can access the full list of EPL Master programmes. In each Master programme, you can navigate through the different courses of this programme, and by choosing a specific course (e.g. LINGI2261) you will see specifications of the course, including the teaching language.


By choosing a programme, you will be able to navigate through the different courses of this programme (by clicking on “Programme” and then on “Detailed programme by subject”).
Meaning of abbreviations: eg. LELEC = L stands for Louvain, ELEC stands for electrical engineering
Note that q1 = Fall Semester courses, q2 = Spring Semester courses, q1+q2 = full year courses, q1 or q2 = courses available in the Autumn and Spring semesters.


Course codes are classified by study fields as shown below:

  • LGCIV: Civil engineering, environment, geotechnics, hydraulics
  • LELEC: Electrical Engineering, cryptography, information security, electronics & control, telecommunications, information & signal processing, microwaves, electronic circuits & systems, MEMS & NEMS, nanotechnologies
  • LINFO: Computer Engineering, communication network, artificial intelligence, software engineering & programming systems, networking & security
  • LDATA: Data Science Engineering
  • LINMA: Mathematical Engineering, optimization & operations research, systems & controls, discrete mathematics & computer science, bioengineering
  • LMAPR: Physical, Chemical, Materials Engineering, nanotechnologies, inorganic materials & processes, polymers & nanomolecules, biomaterials & bioprocesses
  • LMECA: Mechanical Engineering, aeronautics, mechanical manifacturing & production, energy, polymer & metal forming, numerical modelling in mechanical engineering, biomechanics
  • LGBIO: Biomedical engineering
  • LFSA: General undergraduate courses


Please note that, in general, the course timetables for the following academic year are available in mid-May of the previous academic year. However, you can use the current course timetables as a basis for creating your Learning Agreement. Timetable changes are usually minor from one academic year to the next.


Meaning of the course codes (see example below):

LEPL1109-Q1 = theory course (Cours Magistral - CM)
LEPL1109_Q1 = practical course (Travaux Pratiques - TP)
LEPL1109_Q1.x = practical course with a group number (which means that you can choose the group that suits you best according to your other course schedules)


Once you have chosen your courses, I strongly advise you to check whether you have any schedule conflicts via the ‘My Scheduleapplication.


When you arrive at EPL, during the first week of classes, you will have the opportunity to try out the courses and make changes to your Learning Agreement if necessary (in case of timetable conflicts, etc.), in agreement with your home university and your EPL academic supervisor.

Be aware that certain courses in Biomedical Engineering (LGBIO) are organized on the UCLouvain campus of Brussels-Woluwe, which requires commuting from Louvain-la-Neuve to Brussels.

Incoming exchange students are allowed to take a "French as foreign language" course, free of charge when the course is included in their ECTS learning agreement. See ILV related information. You can take MAXIMUM 2 French courses per semester, i.e., per semester, 1 general French course (their code LFRAN1_ _ _ ends in -01), possibly combined with 1 complementary French course whose code ends in -03, 04 or 05.
Examples : LFRAN1001 (A1 level), LFRAN1201 / LFRAN1205 (A2 level), LFRAN1301 / LFRAN1303 / LFRAN1304 (B1 level), LFRAN1401 / LFRAN1403 / LFRAN1404 (B2 level) and LFRAN1505 (C1 level).
The course level will be defined by the UCLouvain language school, ILV, at the start of the student's programme.


The following language courses, in the framework of the bachelor programmes, are proposed at ILV for incoming exchange students and they are also free of charge on the same principle as French:

  • LANGL1171 Anglais pour ingénieurs civils I (Q1)
  • LANGL1272 Anglais pour ingénieurs civils II (Q1)
  • LANGL1373 English for engineers 3 (Q1)
  • LNEER1300 Néerlandais général et académique - Niveau moyen (Q2)
  • LNEER1500 Interfac - Néerlandais général et académique - Niveau approfondi (Q1 ou Q2)
  • LALLE1101 Allemand - Niveau élémentaire 1e partie (0-A1) (Q1 ou Q2)
  • LALLE1102 Allemand - Niveau élémentaire 2e partie (A1-A2) (Q2)
  • LALLE1300 Allemand général - Utilisateur indépendant – niveau seuil (Q1+Q2)
  • LESPA1101 Espagnol - Niveau élémentaire 1ère partie (0-A1) (Q1 ou Q2)
  • LESPA1102 Espagnol - Niveau élémentaire 2e partie (A1-A2) (Q1 ou Q2)
  • LESPA1301 Espagnol - Niveau moyen 1e partie (A2 - B1.1) (Q1 ou Q2)
  • LESPA1302 Espagnol - Niveau moyen 2e partie (B1.1 - B1.2) (Q2)


The following language courses, in the framework of the master programmes, are proposed at ILV for incoming exchange students and they are also free of charge on the same principle as French:

  • LANGL1181 (Anglais pour informaticiens I)
  • LANGL1171 (Anglais pour ingénieurs civils I)
  • LALLE2500 Professional development seminar German (B1 level required to attend the course)
  • LALLE2501 Professional development seminar German (B1 level required to attend the course)
  • LESPA2600 Vocational Induction Seminar - Spanish (B2.2/C1)
  • LESPA2601 Vocational Induction Seminar - Spanish (B2.2/C1)
  • LNEER2500 Seminar of Entry to professional life in Dutch - Intermediate level
  • LNEER2600 Seminar of entry to professional life in Dutch - Upper-Intermediate level


Other language courses proposed at ILV may be accessible but with a tuition fee and cannot be included in the student's learning agreement. You will then be registered as a "free student". More information here.