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Former Books in Progress

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Book in Progress #13 Pierre-Etienne Vandamme (UCLouvain)
April 26, 2021
Book in Progress #12 Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus University)
September 24, 2020

Book in Progress #11 Holly Lawford-Smith, Senior Lecturer (Philosophy, University of Melbourne)
July 3, 2020

Book in Progress #10 Cristian Timmerman (ULM University)
November 25, 2019

Book in Progress #9 - Ludvig Beckman (Stockholm University)
March 21, 2019

Book in progress #8 - Nicholas Vrousalis (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
January 23, 2019: Exploitation as Domination: A Theory of Power and Economic Inequality

Book in progress #7 - Carl Knight (University of Glasgow)
March 15, 2018: Leaving nothing to chance

Book in progress #6 - Gina Schouten (Harvard University)
February 21, 2018: Liberalism, Neutrality, and the Gendered Division of Labor

Book in progress #5 - Peter Dietsch (Université de Montréal) , François Claveau (Sherbrooke), Clément Fontan (Göteborg University)
September 18, 2017: Do central banks promote the good of the people?

Book in progress #4 - Julian Culp (American University of Paris)
April 20, 2017: Transnational Democratic Education

The basic idea that motivates this book is that educational public policy should aim at realizing global rather than merely domestic justice. The book unpacks the normative implications of this idea and argues for a conception of transnational democratic education as primary moral end of educational public policy. This conception demands that educational public policy should promote more democratic arrangements within, between and beyond states by cultivating not only a national but also a transnational democratic ethos. The book develops this conception by juxtaposing it to fairness-based, domestic democracy-based and cosmopolitan conceptions of education, and defends it against objections from postmodern and postcolonial theorists that criticize it as ideological and parochial.

Chapter 1: Democratic Autonomy as Educational End

Chapter 2: The Postmodern Critique of Education for Autonomy

Chapter 3: The Transnational Model of Democratic Education

Chapter 4: The Postcolonial Critique of Democratic Education

14:00-15:00: Chapter 1: Democratic Autonomy as Educational End. Commentator: Hervé Pourtois (UCL)
15:00-16:00: Chapter 2. The Postmodern Critique of Education for Autonomy. Commentator: John Pitseys (CRISP, UCL)
16:15-17:15: Chapter 3. The Transnational Model of Democratic Education. Commentator: Nicolás Brando (KU Leuven)
17:15-18:15: Chapter 4. The Postcolonial Critique of Democratic Education. Commentator: Danielle Zwarthoed (UCL).

Book in progress #3 - Simon Caney (University of Warwich)
March 16, 2017: On Cosmopolitanism: Equality, Ecology and Resistance

Book in progress #2 - Liam Schields (University of Manchester)
December 2, 2016: Just Enough: Sufficiency as a Demand of Justice

Books in Progress #1 - Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus University)
May 26, 2015: Luck Egalitarianism