hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve
(2016) Institutions For Future Generations (ed. with Iñigo González-Ricoy), OUP, 448p.
(2014) Making fair choices on the path to universal health coverage (23 authors), WHO, 84p.
Final report of the WHO Consultative Group on Equity and Universal Health Coverage,
Also in French and in Spanish
* 2015, in French, Faire des choix justes pour une couverture sanitaire universelle
Organisation mondiale de la Santé, 74p.
* 2015, in Spanish, Como tomar decisiones justas en el camino hacia la cobertura universal de salud
Informe final del Grupo Consultativo de la OMS sobre la Equidad e Cobertura Universal de Salud, 75p.
(2011) Arguing about justice. Essays for Philippe Van Parijs (ed. with Y. Vanderborght), Presses universitaires de Louvain, 422p.
(2009) Intergenerational Justice (ed. with L. Meyer), OUP, 419p.
(2008) Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice (ed. with A. Marciano & A. Strowel), Palgrave McMillan, 296p.
(2004) Penser la justice entre les générations, De l'affaire Perruche à la réforme des retraites, Aubier, 320p.
Also in Portugese and in Romanian
* 2015, in Portuguese: Pensar a justiça entre as gerações
Coimbra: Almedina, 232p.
* 2011, in Romanian: Despre dreptate intre generatii
Bucharest: Paideia, 344p. (free on Academia)
(2021) Le passeport vaccinal pose problème s'il amplifie les inégalités.
Axel Gosseries, Le Vif/L'Express, 28 janvier 2021
(2020) Egalité en vies complètes, priorisation des patients par l’âge et abandon des EHPAD
Axel Gosseries, Pandémie 2020.Ethique, société, politique, Le Cerf (Paris)
(2020) Quelle évaluation éthique des applications de traçage du COVID-19?
Raison publique: arts, politique et société, 27 juin 2020
A Gosseries, O Pereira
(2020) Invecchiamento, longevità ineguali e giustizia intergenerazionale
Axel Gosseries, in Lessico di Etica Pubblica, 10(2): 77-94 (2020)
(2019) Envelhecimento, longevidades desiguais e justiça entre geraçoes
Desafios demograficos: o envelhecimento, J. Ferraz Mota Pinto (ed.), 31-52
(2019) Are inequalities between us and the dead intergenerationally unjust?
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (3), 284-300
(2018) Justice climatique, Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale, Patrick Savidan Dir., Collection: Quadrige dicos poche, 2018, pp. 821-829.
(2018) Justice distributive (typologie théorique), Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale, Patrick Savidan Dir., Collection: Quadrige dicos poche, 2018, pp. 829-838.
(2018) Libertés semencières, Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale, Patrick Savidan Dir., Collection: Quadrige dicos poche, 2018, pp. 984-990.
(2017) La generazioni, il fiume e l’oceano
F. Ciaramelli & F. G. Menga (eds.), Responsabilita verso la generazioni future. Una sfida al diritto all’etica e alla politica, Naples: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 163-195.
(2017) As gerações, o rio e o oceano
Catolica Law Review, 1(1): pp. 11-34
(2016) Intergenerational Justice, Sufficiency and Health
in C. Fourie & A. Rid (eds.), What is Enough? Sufficiency, Justice and Health, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 121-143.
(2016) (with D. Zwarthoed) Generations and Global Justice
in D. Held & P. Maffettone (eds.), Global Political Theory, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 281-304.
(2016) (with I. Gonzalez Ricoy) Designing institutions for future generations: An introduction
in I. Gonzalez Ricoy & A. Gosseries (eds.), Institutions for Future Generations, Oxford: OUP, pp. 3-23.
(2016) Generational Sovereignty
in I. Gonzalez Ricoy & A. Gosseries (eds.), Institutions for Future Generations, Oxford: OUP, pp. 98-113.
(2015) What’s wrong with trading emission rights?
in Jeremy Moss (ed.), Climate Change and Justice, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2015, pp. 89-106.
(2015) Introduction: Representing Future Generations?
Jurisprudence, 6(3): 492-495.
(2015) Une utopie sans brebis?
in P.-A. Deproost, C.-H. Nyns & Chr. Vielle (eds.), Chemins d'Utopie. Thomas More à Louvain 1516-2016, Louvain-la-Neuve: PUL, 64-65.
(2015) Une utopie peu délibérative
(with A. Felicetti) in P.-A. Deproost, C.-H. Nyns & Chr. Vielle (eds.), Chemins d'Utopie. Thomas More à Louvain 1516-2016, Louvain-la-Neuve: PUL, 104-106.
(2015) Générations futures
in D. Bourg & A. Papaux (eds.), Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique, Paris: PUF, pp. 464-468.
(2015) Environmental Degradation as Age Discrimination
e-Pública. Revista electrónica de Direito Público (Lisbon), 5: 15 p.(2015) Les générations, le fleuve et l’océan
Philosophiques, 2015, 42(1) , 153-176.
(2014) Nações, gerações e justiça climática
Diacrítica, 28(2): 273-288.
(2014) Reply to my critics
Diacrítica, 28(2): 343-348.
Débat autour du texte avec des articles de M. Loi, N. Vrousalis, S. Harb, D. Alvarez, J. Colen.
(2014) The intergenerational case for constitutional rigidity
Ratio Juris, 27, 528–539.
(2014) What makes age discrimination special? A philosophical look at the ECJ case law
Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, 43(1): 59-80.
(2014) Nations, Generations and Climate Justice
Global Policy, 5(1): 96-102.
(2013) Nations et générations
in R. Chung & J.-B. Jeangène Vilmer (eds.), Ethique des relations internationales. Problématiques contemporaines, Paris: PUF, pp. 331-354.
(2013) La eutanasia de menores: ¿por qué un criterio etáreo?
Revista Argentina de Teoria Juridica, 14(2), 15p.
Also in French
* French version (2013) Euthanasie des mineurs : pourquoi un critère d'âge?
La Revue Nouvelle, 68(10): 74-84.
(2013) ¿Puede la propriedad justificar la primacía accionarial?
Doxa. Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho, 36: 177-196.
(2013) La discrimination par l'âge en assurance à la lumière du droit européen du travail
Revue générale des assurances et des responsabilités, 86(6): 14982 (22p.)
(2013) (with N. Eyal) Obamacare and Conscientious Objection. Some Introductory Thoughts.
Ethical Perspectives, 20(1): 109-17.
(2013) (with A.-F. Colla) Discrimination par l’âge et droit transitoire. Réflexions à partir de Commission/Hongrie (C-286/12)
Journal des tribunaux du travail, 43 (1149) : 69-81.
(2012) Segall on sufficiency, opting out and historical responsibility
Ethical Perspectives, 19(2): 287-295.
(2012) Equality and Non-discrimination in Hiring
J. of Moral Philosophy, 9(1): 3-7 (intro. to a guest edited symposium).
(2012) La propriété peut-elle justifier la primauté actionnariale?
in B. Rogé (ed.), L’entreprise, formes de la propriété et responsabilités sociales, Paris: Lethielleux, pp. 439-467.
(2012) The Natalist Bias of Pollution Control (with D. de la Croix)
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 63(2): 271-287.
(2012) Generations (revised in 2014)
in C. McKinnon (ed.), Issues in Political Theory (2d edition), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 301-322.
(2011) A Justiça Intergeracional e a Metáfora do Refúgio de Montanha
Philosophica (Lisbon), 38: 121-141.
Also in French
* Abridged French version (2010): Une métaphore de la justice intergénérationnelle
Regards croisés sur l'économie, n° 7, pp. 193-202.
(2011) Qu’est-ce que le suffisantisme?
Philosophiques, 38(2): 465-492.
(2011) Sufficientarianism in E. Craig (ed.)
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London: Routledge.
(2011) Causalité, dommage et vie préjudiciable
Revue générale des assurances et des responsabilités (RGAR), 84(3): 14722.
(2009) Left-libertarianism and left-hobbesianism
Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia
Also in French and in Romanian
* in French, earlier version (2006): Libertarisme de gauche et hobbesianisme de gauche
Raisons politiques, issue 23: 47-67.
* in Romanian (2009, tr.), Libertarianism de stânga si hobbesianism de stânga
Revista de Filosofie Analitica (Bucarest), 3(1): 45-61.
(2009) La question générationnelle et l'héritage rawlsien
Raisons politiques (Paris), issue 34:31-56.
Also in Spanish
* in Spanish (2012, tr.): La cuestion generacional y la herencia rawlsiana
Revista Electrónica del Instituto de Investigaciones "Ambrosio L. Gioja"(Arg.), 6(8): 71-90.
(2009) La singularité de l'âge. Réflexions sur la jurisprudence communautaire
Mouvements (Paris), 59: 42-54.
(2009) Introduction: intergenerational justice and its challenges (with L. Meyer),
in A. Gosseries and L. Meyer (eds.), Intergenerational Justice, Oxford: Oxford U. Press.
(2009) Three models of intergenerational reciprocity, in A. Gosseries & L. Meyer (eds.)
Theories of Intergenerational Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Also in French
*in French: (2006) Dette générationnelle et conceptions de la réciprocité
in R. Pellet (ed.), Finances publiques et redistribution sociale, Paris: Economica, pp. 367-391.
(2009) Population Policy through Tradable Procreation Entitlements (with D. de la Croix)
International Economic Review, 50(2): 507-542.
(2009) Constitutions and Future Generations
The Good Society (PEGS), 17(2): 32-37.
(2008) On Future Generations’ Future Rights
Journal of Political Philosophy, 16(4), 2008, p. 446-474.
* Reprinted in S. Vanderheiden (ed.) (2012), Environmental Rights, Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 335-363 (ch. 14).
Also in Italian
* Earlier Italian vers. (tr.): Lo scetticismo sui diritti delle generazioni future è giustificato?
in R. Bifulco & A. D’aloia (eds.), Un diritto per il futuro, Napoli: Jovene (2008), pp. 29-56.
(2008) How (Un)fair is Intellectual Property? in A. Gosseries, A. Marciano & A. Strowel (eds.),
Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice, Basingstoke & N.Y.: Palgrave McMillan, pp. 3-26.
(2008) Introduction (with G. Ponthiere) (issue on workplace democracy)
Revue de philosophie économique/Review of Economic Philosophy, issue 9(1), pp. 3-9.
(2008) Les défis de la justice intergénérationnelle (dialogue with A. Sébastien)
La Revue (Les rencontres de Bellepierre, Réunion), 16p.
(2008) Kyoto et les exigences de la justice climatique (dialogue with B. Lechat)
La Revue Nouvelle, 63(11) : 74-84.
(2008) Theories of intergenerational justice: a synopsis
Surv. Perspect. Integr. Environ. Soc., 1, 61-71, 2008.
Also in Sp., Fr., Portug., Ital., Dutch
* Esp. (2015, tr.) Teorias de la Justicia Intergenerational. Una sinopsis
Revista Juridica de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 32(II): 217-237.
* French (2008) Les théories de la justice intergénérationnelle. Synopsis à l’usage des durabilistes pressés
Raison Publique (Paris), n° 8 (in press).
* Portug. (2008, tr.) As teorias da justiça entre as geraçoes , Rev. de Estudios Univ., 34(1):33-55.
* Ital. (2008, tr) Teorie della giustizia intergenerazionale: una sinopsi , N. di Politeia, 24(91):7-26.
* Dutch (2008, tr) Intergenerationele rechtvaardigheid. Een overzicht van de belangrijkste theorieën. Ethische Perspectieven, 18(4):537-556.
* Earlier version : (2005) The Egalitarian Case Against Brundtland's Sustainability
Gaia - Ecological Perspect. for Science and Society, 14(1): 40-46.
(2008) Taking Workplace Democracy Seriously
Also in Latvian
* in Latvian (2008, tr.): Nopietni par demokrātiju darbavietā
(2008) Radiological Protection and Intergenerational Justice
in G. Eggermont & B. Feltz (eds.), Ethics and Radiological Protection, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-Bruylant, 167-195.
(2007) Should They Honor The Promises of Their Parents' Leaders?
Ethics & International Affairs, vol. 21, suppl. 1 (Ch. Barry, B. Herman & L. Tomitova (eds.), Dealing Fairly with Developing Country Debt): 99-125.
(2007) Procreation, Migration and Tradable Quotas (with D. de la Croix)
in R. Clark, A. Mason & N. Ogawa (eds.), Population Aging, Intergenerational Transfers and the Macroeconomy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 227-249.
(2007) Discrimination par l'âge
in Bourdeau, V. & Merrill, R. (eds.), DicoPo , Dictionnaire de théorie politique.
(2007) Sur l’éthique dans la récolte de fonds
Raison Publique - Ethique, politique, société (Paris), n° 6: 115-128.
Also in Italian and Dutch
* in Italian (2007, tr.): Sull’etica nella raccolta fondi , Notizie di Politeia, 23(85/86): 366-377.
* in Dutch (2007, tr.): Over de ethiek in de fondsenwerving , Ethische Perspectieven, 17(3): 304-317.
(2007) Are Generational Savings Unjust? (with F. Gaspart)
Politics, Philosophy & Economics, vol. 6 (2): 193-217.
(2007) Cosmopolitan Luck Egalitarianism and the Greenhouse Effect
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, suppl. vol. 31 (D. Weinstock (ed.), Global Justice, Global Institutions): 279-309.
Also in French
* Expanded French version (2006): Egalitarisme cosmopolite et effet de serre
Les séminaires de l'Iddri, n° 15. 56 p.
(2006) Rule Change and Intergenerational Justice (with M. Hungerbühler)
in J. Tremmel (ed.), The Handbook of Intergenerational Justice, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 106-128.
(2006) Democracy and Transparency (introduction to an edited debate)
Swiss Political Science Review, vol. 12 (3): 83-90.
(2006) Solidarité
in S. Mesure & P. Savidan (eds.), Le dictionnaire des sciences humaines, Paris: Presses universitaires de France, pp. 1114-1116.
(2006) No Exit by A. Alstott (Book review)
Ethics, 116(4): 769-773.
(2006) Le commerce équitable en questions (editor with Ch. Poppe of the thematic issue)
Louvain, N°162.
(2005) Justice entre les générations et financement des retraites
Sécurité sociale (CHSS), vol. 13 (5): 300-305.
Also in German
* in German (transl.) : Soziale Sicherheit (CHSS), vol. 13(5): 300-305.
(2005) The Myth of Ownership. Taxes and Justice (review of Murphy and Nagel)
Disputatio, 19, 271-277.
(2005) Publicity
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
(2005) Qu'est-ce un consommateur juste?
in F. Mertz (ed.), Ethique et commerce. Réalités et illusions, Paris: L'Harmattan , pp. 101-136.
(2004) Are Seniority Privileges Unfair?
Economics & Philosophy, vol. 20(2), 279-305 .
(2004) Constitutionalizing Future Rights?
Intergenerational Justice Review (Germany), vol. 3(2): 10-11.
(2004) Pourquoi des marchés de permis de polluer? Les enjeux économiques et éthiques de Kyoto
Regards économiques, issue 21: 1-14 (with V. van Steenberghe).
(2004) Historical Emissions and free riding, in L. Meyer (ed.),
Justice in Time: Responding to Historical Iinjustice, Baden-Baden (Germany): Nomos, pp. 355-382.
* Reprinted 2004: Ethical Perspectives, vol 11(1): 36-60.
* Abridged French version (2003). "Émissions historiques et free-riding " , Archives de philosophie du droit, vol. 47: 301-331.
(2003) A Case for Restricted Access
Journal of Information Ethics, vol. 12 (1): 56-66.
(2003) A-t-on des obligations envers les morts?
Revue philosophique de Louvain, vol. 101 (1): 80-104.
(2003) Intergenerational Justice, in H. LaFollette (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of Practical Ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 459-484.
(2002) Marchés publics, libre-échange et clause éthique. À propos d'une initiative belge
Ethique publique, vol. 4 (1): 91-104.
(2002) La justice entre les générations. Faut-il renoncer au maximin intergénérationnel?
Revue de métaphysique et de morale , vol. 107 (1): 61-81.
(2002) Faut-il couper les ailes à l'arrêt 'Perruche'?
Revue interdisciplinaire d'études juridiques, vol. 48: 93-110.
(2002) La recherche à l'épreuve de l'éthique ,
in V. Fillieux et al. (eds.) and P. Servais (dir.), A la découverte de la recherche et des chercheurs, Louvain-l.-N.: Academia/Bruylant, pp. 93-116.
Also in Dutch
* in Dutch (2002) (transl.): De ethiek van het onderzoek , Ethiek en maatschappij, vol. 5 (2): 5-28.
(2001) What do we owe the next generation(s)?
Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, vol. 35(1): 293-354.
(2000) Le labyrinthe des égalitarismes
Le Banquet, vol. 15: 57-75.
(1999) The Legal Architecture of Joint Implementation: What Do We Learn from the Pilot Phase?
New York University Environmental Law Journal, vol. 7(1): 49-118 .
(1998) L'éthique environnementale aujourd'hui
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, vol. 96(3): 395-426.
(1997) Les contrats de rivière
Aménagement-Environnement, vol 21 (special issue): 64-73 (with E. Orban de Xivry).
(1996) Le droit d'accès à l'information en matière d'environnement. Examen de la jurisprudence wallonne (1993-1996)
Aménagement-Environnement, vol. 21( 2): 85-96.
(1995) The 1994 Agreements Concerning the Protection of the Scheldt and Meuse Rivers
European Environmental Law Review, vol. 4(1): 9-14.
(1994) Les chutes d'arbres et le droit de la responsabilité. Examen de jurisprudence (1980-1994)
Aménagement-Environnement, vol. 18(4): 246 - 261 (with A.-P. André-Dumont).
(1994) Le règlement (CEE) n° 1836/93 [...] : virtualités et limites d'un système novateur
Aménagement-Environnement, vol. 18(2): 91-107 (with N. De Sadeleer).
(1994) Marine Pollution in the North Sea: The Position in International Law
European Environmental Law Review, vol. 3(2): 53-63.
(1993) Six sites semi-naturels bruxellois: description spatio-morphologique et juridique in Ost, Remy & Van Campenhout (eds.), Entre ville et nature, les sites semi-naturels, Brussels: Publications des Fac. Univ. St-Louis, pp. 33-77 (with C. Schaut).
Also in Dutch
* in Dutch (1994, transl.) Same editors, publisher and title, pp. 37-82 (transl. G. Vandeplassche)
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