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The materialist body: materialism and Embodiment

    • 16 Sep
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The CEFISES Center is pleased to announce the first session of the Life & Cognition seminar series in 2020/2021. Our inaugural speaker will be Charles T. Wolfe (Ca’ Foscari Venezia).

Historian and philosopher of science, Charles has been especially concerned with early-modern and ‘Enlightenment’ theories of life, in relation to both materialism, vitalism, and the development of modern biology.
His talk will be entitled The materialist body: materialism and Embodiment.

The talk will take place, as per usual, on Wednesday, September 16th, 3-5 pm ON LINE.  

Abstract - Charles T. Wolfe :

In this talk I investigate the possibility of a concept of materialist embodiment. That is, how materialists don’t have to be mechanists about the body – reducing it to complexes of size, shape and motion – yet are also not phenomenologists of the body – reducing it to a foundational subjectivity. What does that imply? Materialist embodiment does not posit a foundational subject or self, nor does it generally see bodies everywhere (like Hobbes’ ‘all is body’) and in that sense affirm an ontology of the body without regard to its ‘fleshliness’. The latter lacks a sense of embodiment; crude materialism lacks a sense of the ‘own body’; I shall seek to reconstruct a different materialist approach to the (living) body.

Life & Cognition Seminar Series UCLouvain

  • Mercredi, 16 septembre 2020, 08h00
    Mercredi, 16 septembre 2020, 17h00
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