cecri |
Ballière, L. Wat zit er in een naam? Een kritische discoursanalyse van de veranderende collectieve herinneringen aan de collaboratie in België (1944-2020). Handelingen – Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse maatschappij voor taal- en letterkunde en geschiedenis, 2024, 76, 3-24.
Rosoux, V. “The mixed-race children stolen during the colonial era: a double disappearance.” The Philosopher, accepted - to be published, 2024.
Rosoux, V. “La mémoire respire. Réparer le passé colonial belge.” Esprit, 2024, 507, 75-85.
Gijs, A., Julien, C. “Les mouvements anticolonialistes belges.” In: Récits historiques des mouvements sociaux en Belgique/Geschiedenis van sociale bewegingen in België, eds. Guy Vanthemsche, Francine Bolle, Jan Dumolyn et al. Accepted, 2024.
Gijs, A. “La grève des étudiants de Lovanium en 1964.” In: Louvain 600, ed. Marc Lits. Presses universitaires de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 2024 (accepted, in press).
Luminet, O., Cordonnier, A. “The effects of emotions on memories from a psychological perspective.” In: Companion to interdisciplinary memory research: Memory between cognition, culture, and political momentum, eds Astrid Erll and William Hirst. Oxford: Oxford University Press. In press.
Luminet, O., Cordonnier, A. (2024). “Changes and stabilities in emotional memories.” In: Change in emotion and mental health, eds. A. Samson, D. Sander, U. Kramer. Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, 2024, 71-96.
Luminet, O., & Cordonnier, A. “Emotions.” In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Memory Studies, eds. L. M. Bietti & M. Pogacar. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
Ruiz Fabri, H., Rosoux, V., Donati, A. Representing the Absent. Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2023.
Rosoux, V. “Gegenüber dem Gegenüber. Geschichtsschreibung im Schatten der Massenverbrechen.” In “ZwischenWelten. Grenzüberschreitungen europäischer Geschichte”, eds. Katja Makhotina & Thomas Serrier. WBG Academic, Darmstadt, 2023, 198-209.
Rosoux, V. “Negotiating postcolonial legacies: Conflicting notions of justice in the case of Belgium.” International Negotiation, 2023, 28, 403-429.
Cordonnier, A., Rosoux, V., Gijs, A., Luminet, O. Collective Memory: An Hourglass Between the Collective and the Individual. Memory, Mind & Media, 2022, 1, e8, 1-16.
Rosoux, V. “Propos introductifs. Quand passé et présent se dévorent.” Civitas Europa, 2022, 48, 15-30.
Gijs, A. “Décoloniser pour "co-naître" ?” Revue Belge d'Histoire Contemporaine, 2022, 52, no. 4, 84-92.
Goddeeris, I., Beyen, M., Gijs, A., Henriet, B., Kanobana, S., Tshibangu, K. J., Landmeters, R., Licata, L., Zanoni, P. “Belgian universities at the core of decolonization.” Journal of Belgian History, 2022, 52, no. 4, 108-114.
Rosoux, V. “Federalization of the Belgian national past: do collaboration and colonization still matter?” In “Belgian Exceptionalism. Belgian Politics between realism and surrealism”, eds. Min Reuchamp & Didier Caluwaerts. Routledge, New York, 2021, 171-184.
Bouchat, P., Luminet, O., Rosoux, V., Aerts, K., Cordonnier, A., Résibois, M., Rimé, B. A Social Psychological Perspective On World War II Collaboration in the 21st Century : A Belgian Case. European Journal of Social Psychology, 2020, 50, nr. 7, 1406-1424.
Rosoux, V. “Memory, cultural heritage, and legacies of wars”. In “Handbook of Peace, Security and Development”, eds. Fen Hampson, Alp Ozerdem & Jonathan Kent. Routledge, New York, 2020, 226-238.
Rosoux, V. “Médiatrice du passé colonial”. In “Les politistes dans la Cité”, podcast of l’Association française de Science politique, interview by Marieke Louis, February 2024.
Rosoux, V. “Conflict Mediation: Limits and Pitfalls.” Joint Futures Blog (SWP Berlin), 2023.
Rosoux, V. “La Belgique face à son passé colonial (suite).” Mémoires en jeu, n° 19, 2023, 75-79.
Rosoux, V. “Transitional justice in Belgium: dealing with the colonial past.” In podcast “Faculti”, July 2023.
Rosoux, V. “Negotiating Decolonization. The limits of a fairy tale.” In podcast “International Horizons”, Ralph Bunch Institute for International Studies, City University of New York, June 2023.
Rosoux, V. “La Belgique a mal à son passé colonial.” Interview by Valérie de Graffenried, Le Temps (Switzerland), 2 June 2023.
Rosoux, V. “La Belgique face à son passé colonial : genèse et naufrage d’une Commission.” Mémoires en jeu, n° 18, 2023, 14-18.
Rosoux, V. “Après-guerre: cycle vicieux de la haine?” Interview by Hiroaki Miyagawa, The Mainichi Newspapers (Japan), 9 & 11 May 2023.
Rosoux, V. “How do parties negotiate decolonization? The case of Belgium.” Special series 'Transitional Justice and Historical Redress', Leuven Transitional Justice Blog, February 2023,
Gijs, A. “Belgium is reviewing its colonial past in the DRC: it’s a sensitive but necessary process.” The Conversation, 2022.
Rosoux, V. “Pourquoi la Belgique ne présente-t-elle pas d’excuses pour son passé colonial ?” Interview by Sandrine Blanchard, Deutsche Welle (international German radio), 22 December 2022.
Rosoux V. “L’échec de la Commission spéciale ‘passé colonial’.” Interview by Mohamed Kaci, Le Grand Journal de TV5, 20 December 2022.