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Journal of Badiou Studies 5: Architheater

Éditeurs: Michael J. Kelly, Arthur Rose, Adi Efal-Lautenschläger
Contributions : 
  • Adi Efal-Lautenschläger, "Introducing Architheater: Modellings",
  • Martin Puchner, "The Theater of Alain Badiou, with New Preface",
  • Daniel Whistler, "‘Unutterable Utterances’ and ‘Mysterious Naming’: Nomination in Badiou and the Theater of Mysticism",
  • Johannes Schick, "Theaters of Individuation: Gilbert Simondon and the Interrelations of Ethics, Techniques and Ontology",
  • Aline Wiame, " What Does It Take to Open a Theater?  The Réouverture des Halles Experiment in Brussels",
  • Renaud Pleitinx,"Badiou en Architecture",
  • Marc Belderbos,"Dispositions au pas du Réel",
  • Arthur Rose, "The Theater of Modern Philosophy: A Review of Alain Badiou, Rhapsody for the Theatre, trans. Bruno Bosteels (Verso, 2013)".
punctum  books, 2017