Labour market and mobility in the Brussels Capital Region - Tom Truyts
l4city |
The Brussels Capital Region (BCR) faces important challenges in terms of mobility and labor market participation. First, a mismatch between the characteristics of the labour that is demanded by companies and administrations in Brussels, at the one hand, and the labour market qualifications of important subgroups of the population of the BCR, at the other hand, leads to structural unemployment, which in turn entails a long series of important social problems (child poverty, weak social cohesion, poor housing, radicalisation...). Second, the BCR is becoming increasingly immobilised by congested roads and public transport networks. This makes it more difficult for workers to reach their workplace in the BCR, hinders companies located in the BCR in attracting
workers and customers, and implies various forms of environmental degradation.
The tax-benefit system - in the largest sense of the term: all taxes and transfers organised by the state - is one of the principal instruments of the state for intervening in the economy and for correcting situations that are judged unjust or inefficient. The BCR disposes of a number of important fiscal competences in terms of labour market and mobility policy, especially since the 6th state reform. The present project consists an assessment of the BCR's main tax-benefit policy instruments in terms of labour market and mobility policy.