Flooding and mud flow risk
l4water |
Research Field and Subjects
- Study of the processes controlling flooding and mud flow risk, in particular:
- rainfall-runoff and surface sediment transport;
- the connectivity of surface flow in terms of soil surface properties (roughness, infiltration capacity, etc…);
- the space-time distribution of moisture content;
- hydraulic properties and other physical properties of the soil surface by means of geophysical and nearby remote sensing techniques.
- Development and improvement of flood risk and mud flow models on different spatial scales.
- Development of model parameterisation schemes in terms of soil structure on different scales.
- Development of techniques for identifying the physical properties of soil, in particular inversion techniques.
- Design and evaluation of flood and sediment control technologies and strategies and techniques for sustainable soil and water management.
Read detailed information about this reaserch theme.
Contacts: Charles BIELDERS, Mathieu JAVAUX, Sebastien LAMBOT, Marnik VANCLOOSTER, Bas VAN WESEMAEL