Amélie Jacquemin’s participation to the Female Founders retreat in the frame of Circle. U. Academic Chair.
From March 20 to 22, Prof. Amélie Jacquemin was at the Université Paris Cité, member of the Circle U. alliance, for the Female Founders Retreat.
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Research talk by Karine Charry and Axelle Dorisse at a symposium related to the Entreprendre.wapi chaire
On March 7, Professor Karine Charry and PhD student Axelle Dorisse gave a research talk in the framework of the Entreprendre.wapi chaire.
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Congratulations to Arthur Slüyters and Quentin Sellier for their success at the Citizens of Wallonia hackhathon!
© photo by Citizens of Wallonia
Citizens of Wallonia is a hackathon launched for the first time in 2016 to stimulate the emergence of new uses thanks to digital technology.
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Revue de presse : mars et avril 2023
En mars et en avril, les chercheurs LouRIM ont, à nouveau, été au rendez-vous pour partager leurs expertises dans la presse.
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Quentin Sellier is participating to “Ma thèse en 180 secondes - Belgique”
Exciting news: Quentin Sellier has been selected to participate in “Ma these en 180 secondes - Belgique”!
To prepare for this contest, Quentin will attend some coaching sessions to
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