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Positions description

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In addition to the following functions describe thereafter, each representative takes part to the monthly ACELI committee meetings (1h/month). The committee is defined in the article 2.1 of the status.


The president's role is mainly a coordination and communication role. He • she has to attend to the smooth running of the association and organise the monthly committee meetings. He • she is a member of the ELI Committee (2-4h/month) where are discussed all the important points of the institute management (budget, working organisation, etc…). He • she is also present to the annual ELI Council (2h/year).

Vice-president at the Sector

He • she sits on the sector coordination cell (1h/month) where representatives of each institute, faculty and association try to discuss subjects that concern more than one entity of the sector. Within this cell he • she can be elected representative to i) the sector committee (3h/month) or ii) to the CORSCI council (2h/month).

Vice-president at the Institute

He • she can go with the president to both the ELI Committee (2-4h/month) where are discussed all the important points of the institute management (budget, working organisation, etc…) and sits on the annual ELI Council (2h/year). In the facts he •she plays an important role as deputy president at the institute.

Pole representative

He • she was elected within his • her pole to represent the scientific corps. He • she takes over to the ACELI committee the information from the pole committee and council useful for all the institute researchers (1h/month to 1h/year according to the pole). He • she sits on the annual ELI council (2h/year).

Representative at the ELI Council

He • she sits on the annual ELI Council (2h/year).

Representative at the CORSCI Council

He • she sits on the CORSCI Council (2h/month), the council of the Scientist Corps of the Université catholique de Louvain. Within this council he • she can be elected to several other organs of the University.

Representative at the SST Council

He • she sits on the Sector Council (2h/year).

Representative at the CDD

He • she is involved in a relay cell, grouping together the CDD representative from each researcher's association of the sector. From this relay cell, the effective representatives at the CDD are elected. These representatives sit on the CDD committee whose examine the PhD student files (1h/month).

Responsible for animation

He • she is in charge of ACELI social activities: he • she manages the participation of the ACELI to the 24h vélo and supervises the welcome meeting and the ACELI recreational day  (with the help of the other ACELI membres).

Responsible for ACELI web pages

He • she is in charge of ACELI web pages, to keep them updated.

Responsible for training sessions

He • she is in charge of pooling offers and requests of training sessions from the Institut members. He • she is in charge of the practical organisation of the ACELI training sessions (room booking, registration, training advertisements, moodle, etc…)

Responsible for ELI meetings

He • she is in charge of the ELI meetings organisation. He • she ensures the speakers’ coordination, the practical organisation and the advertisement. He • she is involved in the thematic proposal and speakers recruitment.