ldri | Bruxelles Woluwe
Thursday April 18 - DHC academic session
17h00 – Gathering of academic procession participants - Venue: Musée Couvreur - Tour Van Helmont, Avenue Emmanuel Mounier 73, 1200 Bruxelles Woluwe
17h30 – Proclamation ceremony - Venue: Auditorium B - Avenue E. Mounier, 51, 1200 Bruxelles-Woluwe
19h00 – Reception
Friday April 19 - Louvain Drug Research Institute Scientific meeting
9h00 – 15h00
The meeting will include talks by LDRI researchers and a Keynote lecture by Prof. Vincenzo Di Marzo
Venue: Auditorium Maisin or C - Avenue E. Mounier, 51, 1200 Bruxelles-Woluwe