Chloé BUYSE - Thesis public defence
ldri | Bruxelles Woluwe
Chloé BUYSE - Biomedical Magnetic Resonance (REMA)
Monitoring the effect of anti-cancer drugs on extracellular pH and pO2 using magnetic resonance
Promotor: Prof. Bernard Gallez
Related publications:
- Buyse C, Joudiou N, Corbet C, Feron O, Mignion L, Flament J, Gallez B. Impact of Inhibition of the Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier on the Tumor Extracellular pH as Measured by CEST-MRI. Cancers 13(17):4278 (2021) PMID: 34503089.
- Buyse C, Joudiou N, Warscotte A, Richiardone E, Mignion L, Corbet C, Gallez B. Evaluation of Syrosingopine, an MCT Inhibitor, as Potential Modulator of Tumor Metabolism and Extracellular Acidification. Metabolites 12(6):557 (2022) PMID: 35736489.
- Buyse C, Mignion L, Joudiou N, Melloul S, Driesschaert B, Gallez B. Sensitive simultaneous measurements of oxygenation and extracellular pH by EPR using a stable monophosphonated trityl radical and lithium phthalocyanine. Free Radic Biol Med. 213:11-18 (2024) PMID: 38218552
This thesis defence took place on September 16, 2024.