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Interested in doing a PhD at ICTEAM? 

You are most welcome!

Each year, we award around 25 doctoral degrees in key areas of information and communication technologies, electronics and applied mathematics.

Our research is theoretical, experimental and leads to technology transfer: several patents have been granted in recent years and numerous spin-offs have been created based on research results obtained within ICTEAM.

To make all these achievements possible, we strive to provide our researchers with an inspiring, motivating and supportive environment.

We are always on the lookout for talented young people who are ready to take part in a unique professional research experience!

To find a PhD position in ICTEAM, you need to complete the following steps:

Approval of the supervisor

Firstly, you must obtain the agreement of a supervisor who will oversee your work and identify an original and innovative research topic in which you have a strong interest. Be proactive! Contact professors, PhD students or other people, ask questions, show your interest.

Be aware that strict deadlines apply, depending on the type of contract or grant. Prospective teaching assistants should apply by May, FNRS candidates by February, and FRIA candidates by September. Other opportunities based on research contracts with external funding have various but strict deadlines throughout the year. Do not wait too long once you have decided to do a doctorate.

The next step is to apply for admission to the PhD programme. You can find all the information about enrolling for a doctoral programme on the following page: Admission to a doctoral programme.

Once the committee in charge (CDD) has approved your application, you must enrol at the University by contacting the Enrolment Office (SIC).

At UCLouvain and in other Belgian universities, every PhD is accompanied by a doctoral training programme.  This programme is individually tailored to your needs, in collaboration with your supervisor. It mainly consists of attending specialised courses if necessary, developing soft skills, participating in scientific conferences, and publishing your research results.

Some specialised courses are organised at inter-university level by "graduate schools" linked to the research directions of the Institute : Graduate Schools

During the course of your PhD (usually 3 to 4 years, depending on the source of funding), you will have to pass an interim evaluation. The PhD at UCLouvain is concluded with a private defence in front of a jury, followed by a public defence. For more information on these steps, see Ph.D. | UCLouvain.

More information:


  • Feel free to directly contact an ICTEAM professor to discuss opportunities for PhD research in his/her research group
  • You can also browse the ICTEAM research directions and contact the principal investigators (i.e. professors) involved in the area which interests you
  • In case of questions, you may contact Ms. Nathalie Ponet