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ICTEAM Thesis Award 2020

icteam | Louvain-la-Neuve

17 November 2020, modified on 18 December 2024

The ICTEAM Best Thesis Award 2020 was granted to Amirafshar MOSHTAGHPOUR (picture) for his thesis entitled "Computational Interferometry for Hyperspectral Imaging" (supervisor : Laurent Jacques).

Moreover, the selection jury decided to grant a special mention to Gaëtan RENSONNET for his thesis "In vivo diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of the white matter microstructure from dictionaries
generated by Monte Carlo simulations: development and validation
" (supervisors : B. Macq and J.-P. Thiran, EPFL)

The award and special mention were granted during the ICTEAM Council on November 12, 2020 (video conference, due to the covid-19 pandemic).

This year, the selection committee was chaired by Peter Van Roy. The other members were J.-C. Delvenne, D. Flandre, C. Craeye, P. Dupont.

Watch the video (on EZCast) with the talks of Peter Van Roy, Amirafshar Moshtaghpour and Gaëtan Rensonnet (duration : 26 min.)

The ICTEAM Thesis Award, which consists of an amount of 2000 €, is granted yearly to the best doctoral thesis that was publicly defended in the course of the previous civil year and for which at least one of the co-directors is officially a member of ICTEAM.