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In memoriam of Jacques Drèze

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Photo © Rossel & Cie, Bruno d’Alimonte, Le Soir.

Dear colleagues,

It is with the greatest sadness that we learned that Jacques Drèze passed away on the evening of the 25th September, at age 93. Emeritus professor, he was the founder of CORE and its first president in 1966, as well as founding member of the European Economic Association and the European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics, among others. Jacques has collaborated during his extraordinary career with the greatest names of the 20th century in economics, including numerous Nobel Laureates. He leaves lasting scientific contributions to general equilibrium, decision theory, game theory, econometrics, and later macroeconomics and economic policy. He also supervised more than 20 PhD thesis.

Jacques Drèze had remained very active after his early retirement from teaching in 1989, still publishing dozens of scientifc papers. He sailed around the world with his wife in the 1990's. As recently as 2016, he gave a two-days lecture to a packed room as part of our CORE Lecture Series. He could still be regularly seen in the corridors of CV09. We all lost a true mentor and great friend.

We send our condolences to his wife Monique and his family,


Catherine Legrand
President of LIDAM

Mathieu Van Vyve
President of CORE

