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Microtomography: a non-destructive technique for a 3D image of an object

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6 December 2024

At the beginning of 2022, the LACaMi platform welcomes a new characterisation technique, X-ray microtomography, thanks to support from the FEDER.

Who among us has not had to "take an X-ray" to make sure that "everything is in place" after that bad fall?
This is the basis of tomography, which will be used for the non-destructive characterisation of materials, systems and other devices.

How does it work?

An object is illuminated by an X-ray source. Depending on the local density, the transmitted intensity of these X-rays is modulated, providing an image of the object's internal structure, like a 2D shadow.
Moreover, by carrying out this measurement from many different angles, a three-dimensional reconstruction of the object is possible.

These new tomographs will therefore make possible a non-destructively characterisation of the three-dimensional (micro-)structure of various samples and a quantitative evaluation of various characteristics, at least :

  • the geometric dimensions,
  • the sizes and dispersion of the constituent elements,
  • the presence of defects, cavities, porosities, ...

Two tomographes supplied by RX-solutions are currently being installed

  • An EasyTom S Micro tomograph, with sample changer for routine measurements of small parts.
  • An EasyTom XL Nano tomograph for larger parts and with a higher resolution.
    In operando measurements will also be possible, using the acquisition and implementation of simulated environments (mechanical tests, corrosion, etc.).

These tomographs will complete the range of characterisation techniques of the LACaMi platform.

Different kinds of samples can be measured :

  • metallic or ceramic materials implemented in various ways (solidification, sintering, 3D printing),
  • composites coupling a polymer matrix and a fibrous reinforcement (carbon or glass fibres, etc.),
  • biological materials,
  • objects from our archaeological or historical heritage that it is unthinkable to damage for any characterisation.

In the coming months, the tomographs will be equipped with

  • a mechanical testing machine
  • a temperature control plate

Measurements carried out