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Cap on the environment? Legal levers and obstacles for sustainable Agriculture in the eu

    • 16 May
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How does the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) offer levers to complement existing environmental laws and objectives? This conference seeks to scrutinize the effectivity and suitability of the green aspects of the CAP while also examining how this policy might impede the transition towards more eco-friendly agricultural practices. It will explore both the general framework and particular cases of contentious environmental matters, such as land erosion or pesticides.


9.45 am - Introduction (CEDRE/IEE)

Delphine Misonne, head of CEDRE, professor of environmental law at UCLouvain Saint-Louis Brussels

10 am - New CAP, new promises? The Environment as the Elephant in the Field

Chair: Amandine Orsini, professor of international relations at UCLouvain Saint-Louis – Bruxelles

What new shift does the CAP provide on the environment? – Nicolas de Sadeleer, professor of environmental law at UCLouvain Saint-Louis – Bruxelles

The CAP and the environment: friend or foe? A legal perspective on their interplay – René Barents, former member of the general Court of the EU

Does the CAP system ensure that its environmental incentives work? Insights from the Commission – Emmanuel Petel, policy officer in the Unit in charge of sustainable environment at the DG Agri in Brussels

11.45 am - Q&A


1 pm - The CAP in practice: tensions between agriculture and the environment (part 1)

Chair: Norman Vander Putten, FNRS post-doctoral researcher and guest lecturer at UCLouvain Saint-Louis – Bruxelles

Do Member States sufficiently green their agricultural policy? Unpacking the eco-conditionality in the national plans of Member States - Marilda Dhaskali, Agriculture & Bioenergy Policy Officer, BirdLife Europe, co-author of the report « New PAC unpacked… And Unfit »

May the implementation of the CAP be challenged because of its climate and biodiversity inadequacy? The recent pending French case - Nieves Noval, Clean Air, Water and Soil Lead, ClientEarth

1.40 pm – Q&A


2.30 pm - The CAP in practice: tensions between agriculture and the environment (part 2)

Chair: Marie-Sophie de Clippele, professor of law at UCLouvain Saint-Louis – Bruxelles

How coherent is the CAP internally about the environment? – General presentation - Charles-Hubert Born, professor of environmental law at UCLouvain

Zooming in on two case studies:

How does the PAC really impact biodiversity? - Virginie Debue, Conseillère en politique agricole commune et mobilité, Fédération wallonne de l’agriculture & Gaetan Seny, Agriculture Advocacy Officer, Natagora

Pesticides: the procession of Echternach - Antoine Bailleux, professor of law at UCLouvain Saint-Louis - Bruxelles & Dries Verhaeghe, founder of Dryade

4 pm – Q&A

4.30 pm - Conclusion

What would the post-2027 CAP look like for the environment? - Hendrik Schoukens, professor of environmental law at UGent

Practical information

When? 16 mai 2024 from 9.45 to 16.45

Where? P02, UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Bd du Jardin Botanique 43, 1000 Bruxelles

Free participation on registration via this form

  • Jeudi, 16 mai 2024, 08h00
    Jeudi, 16 mai 2024, 17h00
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