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Advanced Training Course ATC5

    • 04 May
      26 May
  • Accessible
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You are kindly invited to attend a series of online lectures on the topic of multisensory integration with a specific focus on auditory-tactile and visual-tactile interactions during active touch.

The lectures are co-organised by Olivier Collignon and André Mouraux in the context of the European ITN project MULTITOUCH (

Thank you to the 14 speakers from UCLouvain and the two external speakers (Marc Ernst, Ulm University and Michael Hove Fitchburg University) that agreed to contribute to this “advanced training course”.


Direct links to each Zoom webinar are provided in the attached PDF (click on the titles).

PhD students in health sciences (local committee for neurosciences) can receive 1 ECTS credit for conference attendance if they attend at least 8 of the proposed 1 hour lectures.

PhD students in psychological sciences (CDPE) can also receive 1 ECTS credit for conference attendance if they attend the two international lectures given by Marc Ernst and Michael Hove and at least 6 of the other proposed lectures.

Please register using the following link if you want to receive a certificate of attendance to claim this credit:

  • Mardi, 04 mai 2021, 08h00
    Mercredi, 26 mai 2021, 17h00