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15th Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience

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Dear IoNS members,

We are pleased to announce that the Belgian Society for Neuroscience is organising the 15th Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience.
The meeting will be held in Brussels (Atelier des Tanneurs) on Tuesday 6 June 2023.

Registration is now open, deadline to register 15th May.

This meeting is a unique opportunity to meet neuroscientists across Belgium. We have two great keynote speakers (Pierre Vanderhaeghen and Olivier Collignon), various talks, poster tours and a joint meeting with the Kavli Network in the afternoon.

It’s going to be a great conferences with a lot of interactions.

Please don’t hesitate to share this email to colleagues that are not yet members but may be interested !

Please follow the following procedure to register:

1. If you are already a member (paid membership):

  • You first need to set a new password for your account on the new website:
  • To do so, click on the “Membership” tab > Login, or directly on this link
  • Please then enter your email address on which you receive the BSN information usually, in the section Username or Email Address and click on Lost your password? This is going to allow you to receive an email to create a new password. Please check you spam folder because it is likely to arrive there!
  • Once you have created your account with a new password, please go to any tab and click on the red banner:

15th Meeting of the Belgian Society for Neuroscience

Please log in and visit the event page to register your attendance!

  • You can then Log in to register to the meeting. While registering, please indicate whether you will attend the social drink event.
  • You should be all set!

Please contact Anthony Geselle ( if you face any problem during the registration procedure.

If you are NOT yet a member (no paid membership):

  • You first need to become a member on the new website:
  • To do so click on the “Membership” tab > Become a member, or directly on this link
  • Please then fill in the details. Note that Junior Members need to be < 30 years old on January 1st of current year. Older researchers (≥ 30 year old on January 1st) should register as Full Members. Once you are a member, please follow the same procedure as described above in “1. If you are already a member (paid membership).”


  • Mardi, 06 juin 2023, 08h00
    Mardi, 06 juin 2023, 17h00