FRIA Rehearsal Sessions

Jeudi, 05 octobre 2023, 08h00Jeudi, 05 octobre 2023, 17h00
Dear IoNS members,
We have the pleasure to invite you to the FRIA rehearsal sessions of the academic year 2023-2024. They will take place on the 5th of October (13.00-16.00) and the 6th of October (10.00-15.00). The location and the schedule for each day will be sent to you soon.
Coffee and a small lunch will be provided on site on the 6th October. In order to have an estimation of the number of people having a sandwich, please do not forget to fill out the following survey (deadline 18th September):
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Sincerely yours,
The organizing committee,
Vladimir Aron, Avgustina Kuzminova, Debora Palomares & Yasmine Salman