The NEUR Division is pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mr Alexis Lheureux, entitled:
« Cues and sensory manipulations to modulate long-range autocorrelations in gait variability among patients with Parkinson's disease. »
This defence will take place on Monday January 29th, 2024, at 5:00 PM in the Maisin auditorium, in order to obtain the final qualification of Doctor of Medical Sciences.
Prof. Thierry Lejeune (UCLouvain)
Jury members:
Prof. Marcus Missal (Président, UCLouvain)
Prof. Gaëtan Stoquart (Secrétaire, UCLouvain)
Dr. Thibault Warlop (UCLouvain)
Prof. Alice Nieuwboer (KULeuven)
Prof. Caroline Moreau (Université de Lille, France).