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Two research seminars by Prof. Christa Asterhan

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In the context of the ARC project “MOOCresearch2.0” in which Valérie Swaen is involved, Prof. Christa Asterhan, from Hebrew University of Jerusalem, will give two seminars:

  • On May 17, from 11:00 to 12:30, room E139 (Cardinal Mercier Square, 10): “Academically productive dialogue: what we know and what need to know”


  • On May 20, from 14:00 to 15:30, room E139 (Cardinal Mercier Square, 10): “Argumentation, socio-cognitive conflict, & learning: explorations into social, motivational, and affective dimensions and processes”.


  • Vendredi, 20 mai 2022, 08h00
    Vendredi, 20 mai 2022, 17h00
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