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Dynamics of the late-winter ENSO teleconnection to the North Atlantic-European region by Blanca Mezzina

    • 28 Mar
  • Not accessible
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The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a natural mode of climate variability in the tropical Pacific, which not only perturbs the local atmosphere, but whose impacts can also reach remote, extra-tropical regions through atmospheric “teleconnections”. In the first part of this seminar, we will have a look at the basics of ENSO and its teleconnections (and why should we care), with special attention to the North Atlantic-European sector. We will then review some of the main challenges in the understanding of the ENSO teleconnection to Europe and, finally, I will (very briefly, I promise!) present a sneak-peek of the work I have done during my PhD on this topic.

  • Lundi, 28 mars 2022, 08h00
    Lundi, 28 mars 2022, 17h00