8:30 - 10:15
Parallel Session I |
Economic History
Room Leclerq 61
Chair Arnaud Deseau
Industrial Organization
Room Leclercq 62
Chair Johannes Johnen
The Legacy of the American Frontier: Beyond Individualism
Gaia Spolverini, UCLouvain |
Competition for peer-to-peer markets
Giorgio Ferroni, UNamur |
Early Modern Academies, Universities, and Growth
Chiara Zanardello, UCLouvain |
How fairness concern influence price discrimination on online platform
Jing Su, UCLouvain |
Intergenerational transmission of life expectancy
Quentin Richard, UNamur |
Big Tech Acquisitions and Innovation: An Empirical Assessment
Laureen de Barsy, HEC Liege |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:45 |
Parallel Session II |
Labour economics
Room: Leclerq 61
Chair: Bruno Van der Linden
Macroeconomics and Econometrics
Room: Leclerq 62
Chair: Dorothee Hillrichs
Introducing the degressivity of unemployment benefits: does-it bring unemployed back to work?
Nathan Lachapelle, UCLouvain |
The income elasticity of employment: evidence from the fall of the Morandi Bridge
Charles de Pierpont de Burnot, UCLouvain |
Permanent exemption from social security contributions in Belgium: An evaluation with a directed search model
Tiziano Toniolo, UCLouvain |
Exchange rate pass-through and dominant currency pricing theory
Vincent Notte, UCLouvain |
Short-Time work and its effect on employment and firm survival: evidence from the Great Recession in Belgium
Natalia Bermudez, UCLouvain & UGent |
Public Debt and Financial Stability
Hanjing Kuang, UCLouvain |
Asymmetric Information, Short-Time Work Insurance, and Experience Rating
Giulia Tarullo, UCLouvain & UGent |
Detecting and dating possibly distinct structural breaks in the covariance structure of financial assets
Farah Daniela Mugrabi, UCLouvain |
12:45 - 14:00 |
Lunch break |
14:00 - 15:15 |
Parallel Session III |
Development Economics I
Room: Leclerq 61
Chair: Niranjana Prasad
Public and Behavioral Economics
Room: Leclerq 62
Chair: Francesco Pascucci
The impact of Independent Media on Political Mobilisation during the Arab Spring
Laura Angelini, UCLouvain |
Self-control and autoplay default in video consumption
Reha Tuncer, University of Luxembourg |
Anna Jolivet, UNamur |
Distributional Implications and Public Acceptability of the EU-ETS 2 in Belgium
Audric De Bevere, USaint-Louis |
15:15 - 15:30 |
Coffee break |
Parallel Session IV |
Development Economics II
Room: Leclerq 61
Chair: Jean-Fran ̧cois Maystadt
Energy Economics
Room: Leclerq 62
Chair: Axel Gautier
Insecurity as a barrier to seasonal migration in Mali
Marion Richard, UCLouvain |
Are Belgian investments in wind energy pareto efficient ? Lessons from portfolio optimization
Martial Toniotti, UCLouvain |
Beyond Individual Impact Evaluation: Assessing the External Validity of Anti-Poverty Programs using Bayesian Hierarchical Models
Florian De Bundel, UCLouvain |
Pricing Indivisibilities in the Investment Problem
Nicolas Stevens, UCLouvain |
Jacques Cartuyvels, UCLouvain |
17:00 |
Cheese and wine |