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Winter Doctoral Workshop in Economics

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Banner Doctoral Workshop Namur by night with lights

The 2023 Winter Doctoral Workshop will take place on December 6th at the University of Namur.

We invite all the doctoral students from Université de Namur, Université Catholique de Louvain and Université Saint-Louis to present their research. Both theoretical and empirical contributions at any stage of completion are welcome. Students from other universities are also warmly invited to participate, but in the event that not enough slots are available, priority will be given to students of the organizing universities. 

Researchers and Professors from the organizing universities, research institutes and other universities are kindly invited to participate in this event.

Deadline for presenters

The deadline for submitting presentation titles and abstracts is November 20th, 2023

We kindly ask the participants who intend to present their job market paper to contact the organizers as soon as possible.

Types of presentations

Four kinds of presentation are possible:

Short session: 20 minutes + 10 minutes of questions from the audience

Regular Session: 30 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes of questions

Regular Session with discussant: 30 minutes of presentation + 10 minutes of discussion + 5 minutes of questions

Job Market presentation with discussant: 45 minutes of presentation + 10 minutes of discussion + 5 minutes of questions from the audience

The short session is specifically aimed at PhD students at an early stage of research/want to present a research idea and that want to get some feedback on their current ideas rather than on an already very formalized paper (around 10-12 slides).  

Regarding the regular session, students can choose between a session without or with a discussant. If they decide for the latter, they should indicate and contact the discussant by themselves. For your presentation, be concise (max. 20-23 slides) so that discussant/audience may play their role. If you wish to have a discussant, you should send her/him a draft of your paper or at least your slides a week before the workshop at the latest.

In order to properly benefit from the DW, it is recommended that students notify their supervisors of the date and time of their presentations as soon as the information becomes available.

Each academic year, it is compulsory for all PhD students in Economics at UCLouvain, UNamur and USL to present at least once at the DW, either in winter or in spring. Attendance to all the doctoral workshops is also compulsory.

Deadline for non-presenters

The deadline for non-presenters is November 29th.

Lunch and coffee breaks will be offered during the day. A Cheese & Wine will follow at the end of the workshop.


Please fill in the form to register even if you are not presenting.


The programme is available on this page.


  • Mercredi, 06 décembre 2023, 08h00
    Mercredi, 06 décembre 2023, 17h00
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