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Institutions, human capital, and long-term development: Lessons from pre-modern Europe

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Louvain FRESH Workshop 2024

Institutions, human capital, and long-term development:

Lessons from pre-modern Europe.


David de la Croix (UCLouvain), Sandra de Pleijt ( Wageningen University), Paula Gobbi (ULB).


June 23th

19:00-22:00 Informal dinner for early arrivers at "Le Cambridge".


June 24th

8:30-9:00 Welcome coffee
9:00-10:00 Plenary lecture: Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University)
Innovation in the Industrial Revolution: The Secret of British Leadership


10:30-11:00 Matthew Curtis, Paula E. Gobbi (ULB), Marc Goñi, Joanne Haddad
Inheritance Customs, the European Marriage Pattern and Female Empowerment
11:00-11:30 Tommaso D’Amelio (ULB)
Illegitimacy in France at the time of the revolution
11:30-12:00 Eva Davoine, Joseph Enguehard (ENS Lyon), Igor Kolesnikov
The Political Costs of Taxation?
12:00-12:30 Tommaso Giommoni, Marko Koethenbuerger, Gabriel Loumeau (VU Amsterdam)
Tax Technology and Long-Term Development
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Andreas Link ( University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
The Fall of Constantinople and the Rise of the West
14:30-15:00 E. Dewitte (University of Oxford), F. Drago, R. Galbiati, G. Zanella
Science under Inquisition: The allocation of talent in early modern Europe
15:00-15:30 Matthew Curtis (University of Southern Denmark), David de la Croix
Seeds of Knowledge: Premodern Scholarship, Academic Fields, and European Growth
15:30-16:00 Coffee
16:00-16:30 Sandra de Pleijt (Wageningen University), Julius Koschnick
Alienated Intellectuals? Exploring the Political Consequences of the Educational Revolution in Early Modern England
16:30-17:00 Sheilagh C. Ogilvie, Felix S.F. Schaff (European university Institute)
Inheritance and Inequality in a Pre-Modern Economy

Posters and beers

Poster session

  • Björn Brey (Oxford and ULB), Jacob Weisdorf
    Property rights and technological inertia: Evidence from the electrification of Switzerland
  • Vincent Delabastita (Radboud University), Sebastiaan Maes, Joris Hoste
    Sacred Quests, Worldly Gains: How the Crusades Spurred Europe’s Commercial Revolution
  • Filippo Manfredini (UCLouvain)
    Universities and Divergence in Pre-Industrial Europe
  • Magdė Vosyliūtė (KU Leuven)
    Market institutions and illegal trade in early modern Grand Duchy of Lithuania


19:30-22:00 Conference dinner (for presenters at La Table L)


June 25th

8:30-9:00 Welcome coffee
9:00-9:30 David de la Croix, Rossana Scebba (KU Leuven/UCLouvain), Chiara Zanardello
Salvation, Plants, and Cosmos: How Pre-modern Universities Spread Ideas
9:30-10:00 Matteo Cervellati (Università di Bologna), Sara Lazzaroni, Gianni Marciante (Università di Bologna), Paolo Masella
Republic of Letters And Postal Network In Early Modern England And Wales
10:00-10:30 Lukas Rosenberger  (LMU Munich)
Access to Useful Knowledge and Economic Growth: Evidence from Enlightenment Encyclopedias
10:30-11:00 Coffee
11:00-11:30 Michele Rosenberg (University of Essex), Federico Curci
Factory Location: Resistance to Technology Adoption and Local Institutions
11:30-12:00 Chiara Zanardello (UCLouvain)
Early Modern Academies, Universities and Growth
12:00-12:30 Sebastian Ottinger (CERGE-EI), Nico Voigtländer
History’s Masters. The Effect of European Monarchs on State Performance
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Matias Cabello (University Halle-Wittenberg)
Fragmented Europe and its creativity: 1100—1900
14:30-15:00 Marcel Caesmann (University of Zurich)
Shaping Religious Identity: Evidence from the Protestant Reformation, 1517-1806
15:00-15:30 Pietro Buri (Princeton University)
The Impact of Religious Persecution on Scientific Progress: The Case of the Spanish Inquisition
15:30-16:00 Raffaele Danna (European University Institute), Martina Iori and Andrea Mina
A Numerical Revolution: Mathematical innovation and the growth of pre-modern European economies
16:00-16:30 Coffee
16:30-17:30 Plenary lecture:  Nico Voigtländer (UCLA Anderson), Charles Angelucci, Simone Meraglia
Organizing a Kingdom
19:00-22:00 Informal dinner at Altérez-vous


The workshop will take place at the Foyer Royal of the Louvain House (1st floor of the Louvain House)

The address of the Louvain House is :

Place Lemaire, 1
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

For those staying at the Martin's Hotel, the Louvain House is next to the hotel.

How to get to the Louvain House ?


Logo European Historical Economic Society

  • Lundi, 24 juin 2024, 08h00
    Mardi, 25 juin 2024, 17h00
  • Contact