Users' Publications of 2022
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Publications produced in 2022, with the help of the CISM infrastructure.
Some of the publications listed below are produced with the help of Manneback cluster, managing a portion of the Tier-2 level compute grid from the CMS CERN experience. The CMS community related publications can be listed on
- Coquelet, Marion ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Moens, Maud ; Chatelain, Philippe. A reinforcement-learning approach for individual pitch control. In : Wind Energy, (2022).
- Lejeune, Maxime ; Moens, Maud ; Chatelain, Philippe. A meandering-capturing wake model coupled to rotor-based flow-sensing for operational wind farm flow prediction. In : Frontiers in Energy Research, (2022). (Accepté/Sous presse).
- Lifson, Andrew ; Mattelaer, Olivier. Improving colour computations in MadGraph5-_aMC@NLO and exploring a 1/N _c expansion. In : European Physical Journal C, Vol. 82, art. 1144 (2022).
- Billuart, P. ; Duponcheel, M. ; Winckelmans, G. ; Chatelain, P.. A weak coupling between a near-wall Eulerian solver and a Vortex Particle-Mesh method for the efficient simulation of 2D external flows. In : Journal of Computational Physics, p. 111726 (2022). (Accepté/Sous presse).
- De Breuck, Pierre-Paul ; Heymans, Grégoire ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco. Accurate experimental band gap predictions with multifidelity correction learning. In : Journal of Materials Informatics, Vol. 2, no.3, p. 10 (2022).
- George, Janine ; Petretto, Guido ; Naik, Aakash ; Esters, Marco ; Jackson, Adam J. ; Nelson, Ryky ; Dronskowski, Richard ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Hautier, Geoffroy. Automated Bonding Analysis with Crystal Orbital Hamilton Populations. In : ChemPlusChem, Vol. -, no.-, p. e202200123 (2022).
- Marichal, Joauma ; Papalexandris, Miltiadis. On the dynamics of the large scale circulation in turbulent convection with a free-slip upper boundary. In : International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 183, no.C, p. 122220 (2022).
- Ransquin, Ignace ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Chatelain, Philippe. Dynamics of the Wake Vortices of a Two-aircraft Formation, Hazard Assessment at Large Distances and Sensitivity Analysis. In : AIAA Paper, Vol. SCITECH 2022 Forum, no., p. 2022-1198 (2022).
- Faceira, Brandon ; Teule-Gay, Lionel ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Rougier, Aline. Toward the Prediction of Electrochromic Properties of WO3 Films : Combination of Experimental and Machine Learning Approaches. In : The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol. 13, no.34, p. 8111-8115 (2022).
- Moens, Maud ; Chatelain, Philippe. Correlations Between Wake Phenomena and Fatigue Loads Within Large Wind Farms : A Large-Eddy Simulation Study. In : Frontiers in Energy Research, Vol. 10, p. 881532 (2022).
- Lin, Changpeng ; Poncé, Samuel ; Marzari, Nicola. General invariance and equilibrium conditions for lattice dynamics in 1D, 2D, and 3D materials. In : npj Computational Materials, Vol. 8, no.1, p. 236 (2022).
- Lyu ,Anqi ; Yin, Qiuzhen. The spatial-temporal patterns of East Asian climate in response to insolation, CO2 and ice sheets during MIS-5. In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 293, no.107689, p. 16 (2022).
- Liu, Wei ; Shi, Feng ; Xiao, Guoqiao ; Xue, Huihong ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Liu, Fei ; Duan,
Anmin ; Xiao, Cunde ; Guo, Zhengtang. Bidecadal temperature anomalies over the
Tibetan Plateau and Arctic in response to the 1450s volcanic eruptions. In : Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 127, no. 5, p. 1-16 (2022). - Su, Qianqian ; Lyu, Anqi ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Diverse response of global terrestrial vegetation to astronomical forcing and CO2 during the MIS11 and MIS13 interglacials. In : Climate Dynamics, Vol. 60, no. 1-2, p. 375-392 (2023).
- Saint-Amand, Antoine ; Grech, Alana ; Choukroun, Severine ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Quantifying the environmental impact of a major coal mine project on the adjacent GreatBarrier Reef ecosystems. In : Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 179, no.1, p. 113656 (2022).
- Figueiredo, Joana ; Thomas, Christopher J. ; Deleersnijder, Eric ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Baird, Andrew H. ; Connolly, Sean R. ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Global warming decreases connectivity among coral populations. In : Nature Climate Change, Vol. 12, p. 83-87 (2021).
- Sampurno, Joko ; Vallaeys, Valentin ; Ardianto, Randy ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Integrated hydrodynamic and machine learning models for compound flooding prediction in a data-scarce estuarine delta. In : Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Vol. 29, no. 3, p. 301-315 (2022).
- Hardy, Baptiste ; Simonin, Olivier ; De Wilde, Juray ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Simulation of the flow past random arrays of spherical particles : Microstructure-based tensor quantities as a tool to predict fluid-particle forces. In : International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 149, p. 103970 (2022).
- Charton, Joanna ; Schimmelpfennig Irene ; Jomelli Vincent ; Delpech, Guillaume ; Blard, Pierre-Henry ; Verfaillie, Deborah ; Goosse, Hugues. New cosmogenic constraints on Late Glacial and Holocene glacier fluctuations in the sub-Antarctic Indian Ocean (Kerguelen Islands, 49°S). In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 28, no.107461, p. 20 (2022).
- He, Jingyang ; Lee, Seng Huat ; Naccarato, Francesco ; Brunin, Guillaume ; Zu, Rui ; Wang, Yuanxi ; Miao, Leixin ; Wang, Huaiyu ; Alem, Nasim ; Hautier, Geoffroy ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Mao, Zhiqiang ; Gopalan, Venkatraman. SnP2S6 : A Promising Infrared Nonlinear Optical Crystal with Strong Nonresonant Second Harmonic Generation and Phase-Matchability. In : ACS Photonics, Vol. 9, no.5, p. 1724-1732 (2022).
- Martin, Pascal ; Dlubak, Bruno ; Seneor, Pierre ; Mattana, Richard ; Martin, Marie-
Blandine ; Lafarge, Philippe ; Mallet, François ; Della Rocca, Maria Luisa ; Dubois, Simon M-M ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Barraud, Clément. Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Interfaces for Spin Injection into Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene. In : Advanced Quantum Technologies, Vol. -, no.-, p. 2100166 (2022). - Shi, Feng ; Sun, Cheng ; Guion, Antoine ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Zhao, Sen ; Liu, Ting ; Guo, Zhengtang. Roman Warm Period and Late Antique Little Ice Age in an Earth System Model Large Ensemble. In : Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 127, no.16, p. 1-16 (2022).
- Lo, Li ; Shen, Chuan-Chou ; Zeeden, Christian ; Tsai, Yi-Hsueh ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Yang, Chun-Chih ; Chang, Tzu-Ling ; Su, Yu-Chu ; Mii, Horng-Sheng ; Chuang, Chih-Kai ; Chen, Yi-Chi. Orbital control on the thermocline structure during the past 568 kyrin the Solomon Sea, southwest equatorial Pacific. In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 295, no.107756, p. 1-16 (2022).
- Tian, Shaohua ; Dai, Gaowen ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Meng, Xiaoqing ; Zhang, Zhongshi ;
Zhu, Zongmin ; Xiao, Guoqiao. Spatial differences in East Asian climate transition
at 260 ka and their links to ENSO. In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 296, no.
107805, p. 1-14 (2022). - Lu, Hao ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Shi, Feng ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Xia, Dunsheng ; Guo, Zhengtang. Insolation and CO2 impacts on the spatial differences of the MIS9 and MIS11 climate between monsoonal China and central Asia. In : Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 127, no. 12, p. 1-10 (2022).
- Sun, Youbin ; Wang, Ting ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Lyu, Anqi ; Crucifix, Michel ; Cai, Yuanjun ; Ai, Li ; Clemens, Steven ; An, Zhisheng. East Asian climate changes during the Quaternary as viewed from multiple proxies and modeling results. In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 288, p. 107593 (2022).
- Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Holstein, Daniel M. ; Muller, Erinn, M ; Gramer, Lewis G. ; McEachron, Lucas ; Williams, Sara D. ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Connecting the dots : Transmission of stony coral tissue loss disease from the Marquesas to the Dry Tortugas. In : Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 9, no. 778938, p. 1-9 (2022).
- Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Curcic, Milan ; Le Hénaff, Matthieu ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Impacts of Hurricane Irma (2017) on wave-induced ocean transport processes. In : Ocean Modelling, Vol. 171, no. 101947, p. 13 (2022).
2078.1/256953 - Alaerts, Lauranne ; Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Gravinese, Philip M. ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Climate Change Will Fragment Florida Stone Crab Communities. In : Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 9 (2022).
- Zatko, Victor ; Dubois, Simon M-M ; Godel, Florian ; Galbiati, Marta ; Peiro, Julian ; Sander, Anke ; Carretero, Cécile ; Vecchiola, Aymeric ; Collin, Sophie ; Bouzehouane, Karim ; Servet, Bernard ; Petroff, Frédéric ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Martin, Marie - Blandine ; Dlubak, Bruno ; Seneor, Pierre. Almost Perfect Spin Filtering in Graphene-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions. In : ACS Nano, Vol. 16, no.9, p. 14007-14016 (2022).
- Chen, Wei ; Griffin, Sinéad M. ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Hautier, Geoffroy. Nonu-
nique fraction of Fock exchange for defects in two-dimensional materials. In : Physical Review B, Vol. 106, no.16, p. L161107 (2022). - Schlüter, Benjamin-Samuel ; Masquelier, Bruno ; Camarda, Carlo Giovanni. Heterogeneity in subnational mortality in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic : the caseof Belgian districts in 2020. In : Archives of Public Health, Vol. 80, no.1, p. - (2022).
- Ramkumar, Sriram P. ; Petretto, Guido ; Chen, Wei ; Pereira Coutada Miranda, Henrique ; Gonze, Xavier ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco. First-principles investigation of CZTS Raman spectra. In : Physical Review Materials, Vol. 6, no.3, p. 035403 (2022).
- Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Zhengtang Guo ; Berger, André. Comparison of Arctic and Southern Ocean sea ice between the last nine interglacials and the future. In : Climate Dynamics, Vol. 58, no.1-2, p. 1-11 (2022).
- Caputo, Laura ; Nguyen, Viet-Hung ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. First-principles study of the structural and electronic properties of BN-ring doped graphene. In : Physical Review Materials, Vol. 6, no.11, p. 114001 (2022).
- Claes, Romain ; Brunin, Guillaume ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Hautier, Geoffroy. Assessing the quality of relaxation-time approximations with fully automated computations of phonon-limited mobilities. In : Physical Review B, Vol. 106, no.9, p. 094302 (2022).
- Coppin, Nathan ; Constant, Matthieu ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Dubois, Frédéric ; Legat, Vincent. Numerical analysis of the drag on a rigid body in an immersed granular flow. In : Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 9, p. 393-406 (2022).
- Abreu Araujo, Flavio ; Chopin, Chloé ; de Wergifosse, Simon. Ampere–Oersted field splitting of the nonlinear spin-torque vortex oscillator dynamics. In : Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, no. 1, p. 10605 (2022).
- Brun-Barrière, Boris ; Nguyen, Viet-Hung ; Moreau, Nicolas ; Somanchi, Sowmya ; Watanabe, Kenji ; Taniguchi, Takashi ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Stampfer, Christoph ; Hackens, Benoît. Graphene Whisperitronics : Transducing Whispering Gallery Modes into Electronic Transport. In : Nano Letters, Vol. 22, no.1, p. 128-134 (2021).
- Lankoandé, Yempabou Bruno ; Masquelier, Bruno ; Zabre, Pascal ; Bangré, Hélène ; Duthé, Géraldine ; Soura, Abdramane B. ; Pison, Gilles ; Ali, Sié. Estimating mortality from census data : A record-linkage study of the Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Burkina Faso. In : Demographic Research, Vol. 46, no.-, p. 653-680 (2022).
- Çınar, Mustafa Neşet ; Antidormi, Aleandro ; Nguyen, Viet-Hung ; Kovtun, Alessandro ; Lara-Avila, Samuel ; Liscio, Andrea ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Roche, Stephan ; Sevinçli, Hâldun. Toward Optimized Charge Transport in Multilayer Reduced Graphene Oxides. In : Nano Letters, Vol. 22, no.6, p. 2202-2208 (2022).
- Gobbi, Beatriz ; Van Rompaey, A. ; Gasparri, N.I. ; Vanacker, Veerle. Forest degradation in the Dry Chaco : A detection based on 3D canopy reconstruction from UAV-SfM techniques. In : Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 526, no.526, p.120554 (2022).
- Van Achter, Guillian ; Fichefet, Thierry ; Goosse, Hugues ; Moreno-Chamarro, Eduardo. Influence of fast ice on future ice shelf melting in the Totten Glacier area, East Antarctica. In : The Cryosphere, Vol. 16, no.11, p. 4745-4761 (2022).
- de Abreu, Joao C. ; Nery, Jean Paul ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Gonze, Xavier ; Verstraete, Matthieu J.. Spectroscopic signatures of nonpolarons : the case of diamond. In :Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 24, no.20, p. 12580-12591 (2022).
- Rezsöhazy, Jeanne ; Dalaiden, Quentin ; Klein, François ; Goosse, Hugues ; Guiot, Joël. Using a process-based dendroclimatic proxy system model in a data assimilation framework : a test case in the Southern Hemisphere over the past centuries. In : Climate of the Past, Vol. 18, p. 2093–2115 (2022).
- Radoux, Julien ; Bourdouxhe, Axel ; Coppée, Thomas ; De Vroey, Mathilde ; Dufrêne, Marc ; Defourny, Pierre. A Consistent Land Cover Map Time Series at 2 m Spatial Resolution—The LifeWatch 2006-2015-2018-2019 Dataset for Wallonia. In : Data, Vol. 8, no.1, p. 13 (2022).
- Gadelha, Andreij C. ; Nguyen, Viet-Hung ; Neto, Eliel G. S. ; Santana, Fabiano ; Raschke, Markus B. ; Lamparski, Michael ; Meunier, Vincent ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Jorio, Ado. Electron–Phonon Coupling in a Magic-Angle Twisted-Bilayer Graphene Device from Gate-Dependent Raman Spectroscopy and Atomistic Modeling. In : Nano Letters, Vol. 22, no.15, p. 6069-6074 (2022).
- Askjær, Thomas Gravgaard ; Zhang, Qiong ; Schenk, Frederik ; Ljungqvist, Fredrik Charpentier ; Lu, Zhengyao ; Brierley, Chris M. ; Hopcroft, Peter O. ; Jungclaus, Johann ; Shi, Xiaoxu ; Lohmann, Gerrit ; Sun, Weiyi ; Liu, Jian ; Braconnot, Pascale ; Otto-Bliesner, Bette L. ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Kang, Yibo ; Yang, Haijun. Multi-centennial Holocene climate variability in proxy records and transient model simulations.. In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 296, no. 107901, p. 1-20 (2022).
- Caprace, Denis-Gabriel ; Ning, Andrew ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Effects of rotor-airframe interaction on the aeromechanics and wake of a quadcopter in forward flight. In : Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 130, no.–, p. 107899 (2022).
- Liu, Xiaotong ; De Breuck, Pierre-Paul ; Wang, Linghui ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco. A
simple denoising approach to exploit multi-fidelity data for machine learning ma-
terials properties. In : npj Computational Materials, Vol. 8, no.1, p. 233 (2022). - Shi, Feng ; Goosse, Hugues ; Li, Jianping ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Ljungqvist, Fredrik Char-
pentier ; Lian, Tao ; Sun, Cheng ; Wang, Lin ; Wu, Zhiwei ; Li, Juan ; Zhao, Sen ; Xu, Chenxi ; Liu, Wei ; Liu, Ting ; Nakatsuka, Takeshi ; Guo, Zhengtang. Interdecadal to Multidecadal Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon Over the Past Half Millennium. In : Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 127, no. 20, p. 21 (2022). - Menashe Oren, Ashira ; Masquelier, Bruno. The shifting rural–urban gap in mortality over the life course in low- and middle-income countries. In : Population Studies, Vol. 76, no. 1, p. 37-61 (2022).
- Pircalabelu, Eugen ; Claeskens, Gerda. Linear manifold modeling and graph estimation based on multivariate functional data with different coarseness scales. In : Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, (2022). (Accepté/Sous presse).
- Cheng, Hai ; Li, Hanying ; Sha, Lijuan ; Sinha, Ashish ; Shi, Zhengguo ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Lu, Zhengyao ; Zhao, Debo ; Cai, Yanjun ; Hu, Yongyun ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Tian, Jun ;
Kathayat, Gayatri ; Dong, Xiyu ; Zhao, Jingyao ; Zhang, Haiwei. Milankovitch theory and monsoon. In : The Innovation, Vol. 3, no.6, p. 100338 (2022). http://hdl. - Heuchenne, Cédric ; Jacquemain, Alexandre. Inference for monotone single-index
conditional means : a Lorenz regression approach. In : Computational Statistics &
Data Analysis, Vol. 167, p. 107347 (2022). - Sampurno, Joko ; Vallaeys, Valentin ; Ardianto, Randy ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Modeling interactions between tides, storm surges, and river discharges in the Kapuas River delta. In : Biogeosciences, Vol. 19, no.10, p. 2741-2757 (2022).
- Wuyckens, Sophie ; Saint-Guillain, Michael ; Janssens, Guillaume ; Zhao, Lewei ; Li, Xiaoqiang ; Ding, Xuanfeng ; Sterpin, Edmond ; Lee, John A. ; Souris, Kevin. Treatment planning in arc proton therapy : Comparison of several optimization problem statements and their corresponding solvers. In : Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 148, no.1, p. 105609 (2022).
Drewes, Marco ; Georis, Yannis ; Klaric, Juraj. Low-scale leptogenesis with flavour and CP symmetries. In : Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 12, art. 044 (2022).
- Valassi, Andrea ; Childers, Taylor ; Field, Laurence ; Hageboeck, Stefan ; Hopkins, Wal-
ter ; Mattelaer, Olivier ; Nichols, Nathan ; ROISER, Stefan ; Smith, David. Develop-
ments in Performance and Portability for MadGraph5_aMC@NLO. 2022 . http:
2 Lejeune, Maxime ; Moens, Maud ; Chatelain, Philippe. Extension and validation of
an operational dynamic wake model to yawed configurations. In : The Science of
Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2022) 01/06/2022 - 03/06/2022 Delft, Nether-
lands. Vol. 2265, no.2, p. 022018 (2022). IOP Publishing Ltd : Bristol BS1 6HG, United
Kingdom, 2022 .
3 Coquelet, Marion ; Moens, Maud ; Bricteux, Laurent ; Crismer, Jean-Baptiste ; Chate-
lain, Philippe. Performance assessment of wake mitigation strategies. In : Journal
of Physics : Conference Series. Vol. 2265, p. 032078 (2022). IOP Publishing, 2022 .
4 Coquelet, Marion ; Lejeune, Maxime ; Moens, Maud ; Riehl, James ; Bricteux, Laurent ;
Chatelain, Philippe. Tackling control and modeling challenges in wind energy with
data-driven tools. 2022 .
5 Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng. Insolation triggered abrupt climate changes confirmed
by speleothem records. 2022 .
6 Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Berger, André ; Goosse, Hugues ; Hodell, David. Astro-
nomical forcing as a trigger of abrupt climate changes at the end of interglacials.
2022 .
7 Crismer, Jean-Baptiste ; Trigaux, François ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Winckelmans, Gré-
goire. Modeling and control of Airborne Wind Energy Systems using lifting line/ sur-
face aerodynamics. 2022 .
8 Laloyaux, Henri ; Ronsse, Renaud. Reconstruction of Hip Moments Through Constrai-
ned Shape Primitives. In : Biosystems & Biorobotics, 2022, 978-3-030-69546-0, p.
383-388 .
9 Moens, Maud ; Coquelet, Marion ; Trigaux, François ; Chatelain, Philippe. Handling
Individual Pitch Control within an Actuator Disk framework : verification against the
Actuator Line method and application to wake interaction problems. In : Journal of
Physics : Conference Series. Vol. 2265, no.-, p. 022053 (2022). IOP Publishing, 2022
10 Lyu, Anqi ; Yin, Qiuzhen. The spatial-temporal patterns of East Asian climate in res-
ponse to insolation, CO2 and ice sheets during MIS-5. 2022 . http://hdl.handle.
11 Su, Qianqian ; Lyu, Anqi ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Diverse response of global
climate and vegetation to astronomical forcing and CO2 during MIS-11 and MIS-13.
2022 . 12 Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Berger, André ; Goosse, Hugues ; Hodell, David. Inso-
lation threshold triggered abrupt changes of Atlantic overturning circulation at the
end of interglacials. 2022 .
13 Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Berger, André ; Goosse, Hugues ; Hodell David. Astro-
nomically-induced abrupt cooling at the end of the last interglacial. 2022 . http:
14 Scussolini, Paolo ; Bakker, Pepijn ; De Luca, Paolo ; Coumou, Dim ; Bosmans, Joyce ;
Lohmann, Gerrit ; Thomas, Zoë ; Turney, Chris ; Menviel, Laurie ; Obase, Takashi ; Abe-
Ouchi ; Ayako ; Braconnot, Pascale ; Otto-Bliesner, Bette ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Global tempe-
rature and hydroclimate in warmer climates of the past and future : the Last Intergla-
cial versus greenhouse scenarios. 2022 .
15 Su, Qianqian ; Lyu, Anqi ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Diverse manifestations of the
impact of astronomical forcing and CO2 on climate and vegetation changes during
MIS-11 and MIS-13. 2022 .
16 Lyu, Anqi ; Yin, Qiuzhen. East Asian climate response to insolation, CO2 and ice
sheets during MIS-5 and indication for the future. 2022 .
17 Liang, Mingqiang ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Li, Hong-Chun ; Sun, Yong ; Wu, Zhipeng. Asyn-
chronous Holocene Optimum in East Asia monsoon region recorded by stalagmites
and its underlying climate dynamics. 2022 .
18 Ranathunga Arachchige, Keerthika Nirmani ; Finke, Peter ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhi-
peng ; Yu, Yanyan. The Effect of Quaternary climate change on paleosol develop-
ment by soil-climate modeling. 2022 .
19 Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Berger, André. Insolation and CO2
induced variations in the sea ice of the last nine interglacials and their comparison
with the future. 2022 .
20 Lu, Hao ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Shi, Feng ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Xia, Dunsheng ;
Guo, Zhengtang. Impacts of insolation and CO2 on the spatial differences of the
MIS-9 and MIS-11 climate between monsoonal China and central Asia. 2022 . http:
21 Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Berger, André. Comparison of Arctic
and Southern Ocean sea ice between the last nine interglacials and the future. 2022
22 Caprace, Denis-Gabriel ; Ransquin, Ignace ; Colognesi, Victor ; Chatelain, Philippe.
Flow sensing for improved wake harvesting in formation flight. 2022 . http://hdl.
23 Lyu, Anqi ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Crucifix, Michel ; Sun, Youbin. Different Regional Sensitivity
of Summer Precipitation in East Asia to Astronomical Forcing, CO2 and Ice Volume.
2022 . 24 Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Berger, André ; Goosse, Hugues ; Hodell, David. Inso-
lation threshold triggered abrupt changes of Atlantic overturning circulation at the
end of interglacials. 2022 .
25 Su, Qianqian ; Lyu,Anqi ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Diverse Response of Global
Climate and Vegetation to Astronomical Forcing and CO2 During MIS-11 and MIS-
13. 2022 .
26 Ranathunga, Keerthika Nirmani ; Finke, Peter ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng. Paleo-
Pedo-Climatology : Modeling the paleosol formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau
during the Quaternary interglacials. 2022 .
27 Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Guo, Zhengtang ; Berger, André. The different response
of the climate system to astronomical parameters, GHG and ice sheets during past
interglacials. 2022 .
28 Ransquin, Ignace ; Caprace, Denis-Gabriel ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Chatelain, Phi-
lippe. Vortex sensing and uncertainty propagation for aircraft formation flight. 2022
29 Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Caprace, Denis-Gabriel ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Bricteux,
Laurent ; Ivan De Visscher ; Trigaux, François ; Chatelain, Philippe. When turbulence
matters in vortex dominated flows. 2022 .
30 Trigaux, François. Aeroelastic simulations of wind turbines using the Actuator Line
Model : towards next generation rotors (15MW). 2022 .
31 Debroeyer, Romain ; Rasquin, Michel ; Toulorge, Thomas ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Win-
ckelmans, Grégoire. A wall-model for compressible flows based on a new scaling of
the law of the wall. 2022 .
32 Ransquin, Ignace ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Caprace, Denis-Gabriel ; Chatelain, Phi-
lippe. Analysis of a Formation Flight Wake-Tracking Strategy on the Dynamics of the
Formation Wake Vortices. 2022 .
33 Laloyaux, Henri ; Beatriz Sanz-Morère, Clara ; Livolsi, Chiara ; Pergolini, Andrea ; Crea,
Simona ; Vitiello, Nicola ; Ronsse, Renaud. Experimental Assessment of a Control
Strategy for Locomotion Assistance Relying on Simplified Motor Primitives. IEEE,
2022 .
34 Trigaux, François ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Chatelain, Philippe. A flexible actuator
line method for aeroelastic simulations of wind turbines in atmospheric boundary
layer. In : Journal of Physics : Conference Series. Vol. 2265, no.2, p. 022050 (2022).
IOP Publishing : United Kingdom, 2022 .
35 Legrand, Antoine ; Renaud Detry ; De Vleeschouwer, Christophe. End-to-end Neural
Estimation of Spacecraft Pose with Intermediate Detection of Keypoints. In : Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings ECCV. Vol. 1, no.56, p. 757 (2022). LNCS,
2022 .
Beguin, Malo. Specific Trade Concerns and Technical Barriers to Trade : evidence from a new database. LIDAM Discussion Paper IRES/2022/23. 37 p. LIDAM Discussion Paper IRES/2022/23.
- Saint-Amand, Antoine. Bridging the gap between small and large spatial scales
in marine dispersal modelling : applications to coral ecosystems in the Great Bar-
rier Reef, prom. : Hanert, Emmanuel ; Deleersnijder, Eric, 07/09/2022. - Sampurno, Joko. Combining process-based and data-based approaches to predict high water levels : application to the city of Pontianak in the Kapuas River delta, prom. : Hanert, Emmanuel, 19/08/2022.
- Ransquin, Ignace. Aircraft wake sensing and tracking strategies towards operational formation flight : assessment of data assimilation, reinforcement learning and control approaches within large eddy simulations, prom. : Chatelain, Philippe, 08/09/2022.