Users' Publications of 2024
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Publications produced in 2024, with the help of the CISM infrastructure.
Some of the publications listed below are produced with the help of Manneback cluster, managing a portion of the Tier-2 level compute grid from the CMS CERN experience. The CMS community related publications can be listed on
- Vogl, Lukas S. ; Mayer, Peter ; Robiette, Raphaël ; Waser, Mario. Chiral Isochalcogenourea Catalysed Enantioselective (4+2) Cycloadditions of Allenoates. In : Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 63, no.2, p. e202315345 (2024).
- Debroeyer, Romain ; Rasquin, Michel ; Toulorge, Thomas ; Bartosiewicz, Yann ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. A wall model for large-eddy simulation of highly compressible flows based on a new scaling of the law of the wall. In : Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 980, no.A9, p. A9 (2024).
- Lim, Jaemo ; Poncé, Samuel ; Park, Cheol-Hwan. Self-consistent electron lifetimes for electron-phonon scattering. In : Physical Review B, Vol. 110, no.12, p. L121106 (2024).
- Hu, Lei ; Chakraborty, Sayandip ; Tumanov, Nikolay ; Wouters, Johan ; Robiette, Raphaël ; Berionni, Guillaume. Regulating iminophosphorane PN bond reactivity through geometric constraints with cage-shaped triarylphophines. In : Chemical Communications, Vol. 60, p. 7073-7076 (2024).
- Yu, Haochen ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Materzanini, Giuliana ; Wang, Junjie ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco. Systematic assessment of various universal machinelearning interatomic potentials. In : Materials Genome Engineering Advances, Vol. 2, no.3, p. 1-12 (2024).
- Masquelier, Bruno ; Timæus, Ian M.. Estimating adult mortality based on maternal orphanhood in populations with HIV/AIDS. In : Population Studies, Vol. online first, no.-, p. 1-21 (2024).
- Zhou, Jiaqi ; Poncé, Samuel ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. Enhanced spin Hall ratio in two-dimensional semiconductors. In : npj Computational Materials, Vol. 10, no.1, p. 247 (2024).
- Degrande, Céline ; Maltoni, Matteo. EFT observable stability under NLO corrections through interference revival. In : Physics Letters, Section B : Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol. 856, art. 138970 (2024).
- Maltoni, Fabio. Probing Higgs-muon interactions at a multi-TeV muon collider. In : Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 08, art. 021 (2024).
- Maltoni, Fabio ; Tentori, Simone. Top-quark pair production as a probe of light topphilic scalars and anomalous Higgs interactions. In : Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 09, art. 098 (2024).
- Janssens, Julien ; De Roose, Madeline ; Jacquemin, Alexis ; Vanhosmael, Thomas ; Delbrassinne, Arnaud ; Collard, Laurent ; Robiette, Raphaël. One-Carbon Homologation of Knoevenagel Adducts : Enantioselective Access to Benzhydryl Derivatives. In : The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Vol. 89, no.10, p. 7270-7274 (2024).
- Vasilchenko, Vasilii ; Gonze, Xavier. Polarons in the cubic generalized Fröhlich model : Spontaneous symmetry breaking. In : Physical Review B, Vol. 109, no.18, p. - (2024).
- Guo, Jingjing ; Ziegler, Martin ; Wanders, Niko ; Vreeken, Mike ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Robust land surface temperature record for north China over the past 21,000 years. In : Science Advances, Vol. 10, no.8, p. 1-10 (2024).
- Clément, Charlotte ; Martinez, Philippe ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Greening of India and revival of the South Asian summer monsoon in a warmer world. In : communications earth & environment, Vol. 5, no.685, p. 1-12 (2024).
- Coffigniez, Marion ; De Breuck, Pierre-Paul ; Choisez, Laurine ; Marteleur, Matthieu ; van Setten, Michiel ; Petretto, Guido ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Jacques, Pascal. Combination of ab initio descriptors and machine learning approach for the prediction of the plasticity mechanisms in -metastable Ti alloys. In : Materials & Design, Vol. 239, p. 112801 (2024).
- Gérard, Justin ; Crucifix, Michel. Diagnosing the causes of AMOC slowdown in a coupled model : a cautionary tale. In : Earth System Dynamics, Vol. 15, no.2, p. 293-306 (2024). (Soumis).
- Dechamps, Samuel ; Nguyen, Viet-Hung ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. Lateral junctions of transition metal dichalcogenides as ballistic channels for straintronic applications. In : Nanotechnology, Vol. 35, no.17, p. 175201 (2024).
- Colleu, Tanguy ; Fekete, Adam ; Gonze, Xavier ; Cloots, Alexandre ; Liégeois, Vincent ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Henrard, Luc. Surface enhanced infrared absorption mechanism and modification of the plasmonic response. In : Journal of Physics : Photonics, Vol. 6, no.2, p. 025003 (2024).
- Tran, Viet Anh ; Nguyen, Viet-Hung ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. Klein tunneling degradation and enhanced Fabry-Pérot interference in graphene/h-BN moiré-superlattice devices. In : 2D Materials, Vol. 11, no.2, p. 025023 (2024).
- Zhou, Jiaqi ; Poncé, Samuel ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. Guidelines for accurate and efficient calculations of mobilities in two-dimensional semiconductors. In : Physical Review B, Vol. 110, no.12, p. 125304 (2024).
- Fuchs, Clément ; Dessain, Quentin ; Delinte, Nicolas ; Dausort, Manon ; Macq, Benoît. Sparse Blind Spherical Deconvolution of diffusion weighted MRI. In : Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol. 18, no.X, p. X (2024).
- Roisin, Nicolas ; Brunin, Guillaume ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Flandre, Denis ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Poncé, Samuel. Phonon-limited mobility for electrons and holes in highly-strained silicon. In : npj Computational Materials, Vol. 10, no.1, p. 242 (2024).
- Hu, Meimin ; Liu, Jinjia ; Guo, Wenping ; Liu, Xiaotong ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Yang, Tao. Size-Dependent Thermodynamic Stability of Copper Sulfide Nanoparticles. In : Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 36, no.15, p. 7108-7116 (2024).
- MacEnulty, Lórien ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Amadon, Bernard ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; O’Regan, David D. Facilities and practices for linear response Hubbard parameters U and J in Abinit. In : Electronic Structure, Vol. 6, no.3, p. 037003 (2024).
- Trinquet, Victor ; Naccarato, Francesco ; Brunin, Guillaume ; Petretto, Guido ; Wirtz, Ludger ; Hautier, Geoffroy ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco. Second-harmonic generation tensors from high-throughput density-functional perturbation theory. In : Scientific Data, Vol. 11, no.1, p. 11 :757 (2024).
- Chen, Wei ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Liu, Jifeng ; Hautier, Geoffroy. Native point defects in HgCdTe infrared detector material : Identifying deep centers from first principles. In : Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 135, no.11, p. 114502 (2024).
- Caputo, Laura ; Nguyen, Viet-Hung ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe. Thermoelectric properties of graphene through BN-ring doping : A theoretical investigation. In : Carbon, Vol. 229, no.-, p. 119456 (2024).
- Trigaux, Francois ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Investigation of blade flexibility effects on the loads and wake of a 15 MW wind turbine using a flexible actuator line method. In : Wind Energy Science, Vol. 9, no.8, p. 1765-1789 (2024).
- Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Holstein, Daniel M. ; Gramer, Lewis J. ; McEachron, Lucas ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Investigating the link between the Port of Miami dredging and the onset of the stony coral tissue loss disease epidemics. In : Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 207, p. 116886 (2024).
- Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Saint-Amand, Antoine ; Alaerts, Lauranne ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Hurricanes enhance coral connectivity but also superspread coral diseases. In : Global Change Biology, Vol. 30, no.6, p. e17382 (2024).
- Yuan, Zhenkun ; Dahliah, Diana ; Claes, Romain ; Pike, Andrew ; Fenning, David P. ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Hautier, Geoffroy. Assessing Carrier Mobility, Dopability, and Defect Tolerance in the Chalcogenide Perovskite Ba Zr S3. In : PRX Energy, Vol. 3, no.3, p. 033008 (2024).
- Voet, Vincent ; De Fruytier, Christophe ; Pardoen, Thomas ; Simar, Aude. Solder Joint Geometry Effects on Thermomechanical Fatigue Lifetime of End-Capped Chip Component Assemblies. In : IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 14, no.1, p. 130-139 (2024).
- Coquelet, Marion ; Lejeune, Maxime ; Bricteux, Laurent ; van Vondelen, Aemilius ; van Wingerden, Jan-Willem ; Chatelain, Philippe. On the robustness of a blade load-based wind speed estimator to dynamic pitch control strategies. In : Wind Energy Science, (2024).
- Bensaida, Ali ; Mahaut, Damien ; Tumanov, Nikolay ; Wouters, Johan ; Champagne, Benoît ; Vanthuyne, Nicolas ; Robiette, Raphaël ; Berionni, Guillaume. Reactivity and Steric Parameters from 2D to 3D Bulky Pyridines : Increasing Steric Demand at Nitrogen with Chiral Azatriptycenes. In : Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 63, p. e202407503 (2024).
- Degrande, Céline. Collider sensitivity to SMEFT heavy-quark operators at one-loop in top-quark processes. In : Journal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 07, art. 114 (2024).
- Rostami, Samare ; Gonze, Xavier. Approximations in first-principles volumetric thermal expansion determination. In : Physical Review B, Vol. 110, no.1, p. - (2024).
- Yang, Y. Y. ; Shi, F. ; Guo, Z. F. ; Liu, Wei ; Xue, Huihong ; Zhuo, Z. H. ; Sun, C. Q. ; E, C. Y. ; Guo, Z. T.. Climate Impacts of the Millennium Eruption of Changbaishan Volcano. In : Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 129, no. 13, p.e2024JD040869 (2024).
- Fu, Heng ; Shi, Feng ; Liu, Wei ; Xue, Huihong ; Man, Wenmin ; Li, Juan ; Guo, Zhengtang. Tracing the centennial variation of East Asian Summer Monsoon. In : Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 238, no.1, p. 104464 (2024).
- Wolanski, Eric ; De Le Court, Miguel ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Kingfsord, Michael. Mechanisms enabling the self-recruitment of passive larvae in the Great Barrier Reef. In : Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, , p. 108976 (2024). (Soumis).
- Raynaud, Dominique ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Capron, Emilie ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Parrenin, Frédéric ; Berger, André ; Lipenkov, Vladimir. Local summer temperature changes over the past 440 ka revealed by the total air content in the Antarctic EPICA Dome C ice core. In : Climate of the Past, Vol. 20, no.6, p. 1269-1282 (2024).
- Desprat, Stéphanie ; Guillem, Gauthier ; Sánchez Goñi, Maria Fernanda ; Rodrigues, Teresa ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; O. Grimalt, Joan. Millennialscale climate variability potentially shaped the early interglacial optimum in Southern Europe. In : Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Vol. 39, no.10, p. 1-20 (2024).
- Drewes, Marco ; Georis, Yannis. Towards a precision calculation of N _ef f in the Standard Model. Part III. Improved estimate of NLO contributions to the collision integral. In : Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol. 06, art. 032 (2024).
- Azizi, Maryam ; Wilhelm, Jan ; Golze, Dorothea ; Delesma, Francisco A. ; Panadés-Barrueta, Ramón L. ; Rinke, Patrick ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Gonze, Xavier. Validation of the GreenX library time-frequency component for efficient GW and RPA calculations. In : Physical Review B, Vol. 109, no.24, p. 245101 (2024).
- Ma, Xiaonan ; Liu, Chang ; Materzanini, Giuliana ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Ren, Wei. Ferroelectricity, triple-well potential, and negative piezoelectricity in the antiperovskite -Ag3SI. In : Physical Review B, Vol. 110, no.18, p. 184109 (2024).
- Wei, Hao ; Dubois, Simon M-M ; Brunnett, Frederic ; Peiro, Julian ; Godel, Florian ; Carrétéro, Cécile ; Panciera, Federico ; Collin, Sophie ; Bouamrane, Fayçal ; Zatko, Victor ; Galbiati, Marta ; Carré, Etienne ; Patriarche, Gilles ; Petroff, Frédéric ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Martin, MarieBlandine ; Dlubak, Bruno ; Seneor, Pierre. LargeArea Artificial van der Waals “MilleFeuille” Superlattices. In : Advanced Materials Interfaces, Vol. -, no.-, p. 2400409 (2024).
- Faryuni, Irfana Diah ; Saint-Amand, Antoine ; Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Umar, Widyastuti ; Jompa, Jamaluddin ; Moore, Abigail Mary ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Assessing coral reef conservation planning in Wakatobi National Park (Indonesia) from larval connectivity networks. In : Coral Reefs, Vol. 43, p. 19-33 (2024).
- Rosen, Andrew S. ; Gallant, Max ; George, Janine ; Riebesell, Janosh ; Sahasrabuddhe, Hrushikesh ; Shen, Jimmy-Xuan ; Wen, Mingjian ; Evans, Matthew ; Petretto, Guido ; Waroquiers, David ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Persson, Kristin A. ; Jain, Anubhav ; Ganose, Alex M.. Jobflow : Computational Workflows Made Simple. In : Journal of Open Source Software, Vol. 9, no.93, p. 5995 (2024).
- Soto, Ernesto ; Lee, Shannon J. ; Porter, Andrew P. ; Viswanathan, Gayatri ; Akopov, Georgiy ; Hewage, Nethmi ; Wu, Kui ; Trinquet, Victor ; Brunin, Guillaume ; Hautier, Geoffroy ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Rossini, Aaron J. ; Kovnir, Kirill. FeSi4P4 and CoSi3P3 : Hidden Gems of Ternary Tetrel Pnictides with Outstanding Nonlinear Optical Properties. In : Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 36, no.-, p. 8854 (2024).
- Wang, Zhiqi ; Su, Jianan ; Feng, Duo ; Yao, Yufang ; Yan, Yujing ; Cui, Yanjie ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Hosono, Hideo ; Wang, Junjie. Discovery of Bimetallic Hexagonal MBene Mo2ErB3T2.5 (T = O, F, and Cl). In : Small, Vol. 2407100, no.-, p. 2407100 (2024).
- Yuan, Zhenkun ; Dahliah, Diana ; Hasan, Muhammad Rubaiat ; Kassa, Gideon ; Pike, Andrew ; Quadir, Shaham ; Claes, Romain ; Chandler, Cierra ; Xiong, Yihuang ; Kyveryga, Victoria ; Yox, Philip ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Dabo, Ismaila ; Zakutayev, Andriy ; Fenning, David P. ; Reid, Obadiah G. ; Bauers, Sage ; Liu, Jifeng ; Kovnir, Kirill ; Hautier, Geoffroy. Discovery of the Zintl-phosphide BaCd2P2 as a long carrier lifetime and stable solar absorber. In : Joule, Vol. 8, no.5, p. 1412-1429 (2024). - Laterre, Antoine ; Dumont, Olivier ; Lemort, Vincent ; Contino, Francesco. Is waste heat recovery a promising avenue for the Carnot battery ? Techno-economic optimisation of an electric booster-assisted Carnot battery integrated into different data centres. In : Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 301, no.118030, p. 19 (2024).
- Mattelaer, Olivier. Automatic generation of helicity amplitudes in the Feynman-diagram gauge. In : Physical review D, Vol. 110, art. 056024 (2024).
- Dosenovic, Djordje ; Dechamps, Samuel ; Sharma, Kshipra ; Rouviere, Jean-Luc ; Lu, Yiran ; den Hertog, Martien Ilse ; Genovese, Luigi ; Dubois, Simon M-M ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Jamet, Matthieu ; Marty, Alain ; Okuno, Hanako. Imaging Negative Charge around Single Vanadium Dopant Atoms in Monolayer Tungsten Diselenide Using 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. In : ACS Nano, Vol. 18, no.34, p. 23354-23364 (2024).
- Lecart, Mathieu ; Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Alaerts, Lauranne ; Randresihaja, Ny Riana ; Mohammed, Aboobacker Valliyil ; Vethamony, Ponnumony ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Land reclamation and its consequences : A 40-year analysis of water residence time in Doha Bay, Qatar. In : PLOS ONE, Vol. 19, no.1, p. e0296715 (2024).
- Masquelier, Bruno ; Menashe-Oren, Ashira ; Schlüter, Benjamin-Samuel ; Fall, Atoumane ; Helleringer, Stephane. Improving old-age mortality estimation with parental survival histories in surveys. In : Demographic Research, Vol. 51, no.45, p. 1429-1470 (2024).
- de PazCastany, Roger ; Eiler, Konrad ; Nicolenco, Aliona ; Lekka, Maria ; GarcíaLecina, Eva ; Brunin, Guillaume ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Waroquiers, David ; Collet, Thomas ; Hubin, Annick ; Pellicer, Eva. Hydrogen Evolution Reaction of Electrodeposited NiW Films in Acidic Medium and Performance Optimization Using Machine Learning. In : ChemSusChem, Vol. e202400444, no.-, p. - (2024).
- Wang, Amanda ; Bushick, Kyle ; Pant, Nick ; Lee, Woncheol ; Zhang, Xiao ; Leveillee, Joshua ; Giustino, Feliciano ; Poncé, Samuel ; Kioupakis, Emmanouil. Electron mobility of SnO2 from first principles. In : Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 124, no.17, p. 172103 (2024).
- Liang, Mingqiang ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Sun, Yong ; Zhang, Chao ; Berger, André ; Lyu, Anqi ; Liu, Wei ; Wu, Zhipeng. Distinct response of Asian summer monsoon circulation and precipitation to orbital forcing during six Heinrich events. In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 344, no. 108946, p. 1-16 (2024).
- Berger, André ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng. Length of astronomical seasons, total and average insolation over seasons. In : Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 334, no.108620, p. 1-20 (2024).
- Oliviera, Dulce ; Desprat, Stéphanie ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Zorzi, Coralie ; Wu, Zhipeng. Complex interplay of forcings drives Indian vegetation and summer monsoon variability during MIS 11. In : Climate of Past Discussion, Vol. 3341, no.3341, p. 1-34 (2024).
- Tian, Shaohua ; Dai, Gaowen ; Xiao, Guoqiao ; Yang, Huan ; Meng, Xiaoqing ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Extreme drought events and land surface temperature variations on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau over the last 350 ka. In : Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 655, no.112507, p. 1-10 (2024).
- Zhao, Deai ; Xiao, Guoqiao ; Huang, Chunju ; Wu, Haibin ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Kemp, David ; Tian, Shaohua ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Lu, Hao ; Dai, Gaowen ; Peng, Shuzhen ; Tang, Changyan ; Wu, Jianyu ; Lin, Yating ; Zhu, Shuya ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Contrasting orbital rhythms preserved in loess grain-size records across the Chinese Loess Plateau. In : Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 243, no.104613, p. 1-12 (2024).
- Sena Tömekce, Birce ; Cuxart, Marc G. ; Caputo, Laura ; Poletto, Daniele ; Charlier, Jean-Christophe ; Bonifazi, Davide ; Auwärter, Willi. Surface Chemistry of a Halogenated Borazine : From Supramolecular Assemblies to a Random Covalent BNSubstituted Carbon Network. In : Chemistry – A European Journal, Vol. 30, no.69, p. 1-9 (2024).
- Trigaux, François ; Thierry Villeneuve ; Guy Dumas ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Near-tip correction functions for the actuator line method to improve the predicted lift and drag distributions. In : Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 989, no.A, p. 1 (2024).
- Thomas, John C. ; Chen, Wei ; Xiong, Yihuang ; Barker, Bradford A. ; Zhou, Junze ; Chen, Weiru ; Rossi, Antonio ; Kelly, Nolan ; Yu, Zhuohang ; Zhou, Da ; Kumari, Shalini ; Barnard, Edward S. ; Robinson, Joshua A. ; Terrones, Mauricio ; Schwartzberg, Adam ; Ogletree, D. Frank ; Rotenberg, Eli ; Noack, Marcus M. ; Griffin, Sinéad ; Raja, Archana ; Strubbe, David A. ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Weber-Bargioni, Alexander ; Hautier, Geoffroy. A substitutional quantum defect in WS2 discovered by high-throughput computational screening and fabricated by site-selective STM manipulation. In : Nature Communications, Vol. 15, no.1, p. - (2024).
- Hensling, F V E ; Dahliah Diana ; Smeaton, M A ; Shrestha, B ; Show, V ; Parzyck, C T ; Hennighausen, C ; Kotsonis, G N ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Barone, M R ; Subedi, I ; Disa, A S ; Shen, K M ; Faeth, B D ; Bollinger, A T ; Božović, I ; Podraza, N J ; Kourkoutis, L F ; Hautier, Geoffroy ; Schlom, D G. Is Ba3In2O6a high-Tc superconductor ?. In : Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter, Vol. 36, no.31, p. 315602 (2024).
- Bosoni, Emanuele ; Beal, Louis ; Bercx, Marnik ; Blaha, Peter ; Blügel, Stefan ; Bröder, Jens ; Callsen, Martin ; Cottenier, Stefaan ; Degomme, Augustin ; Dikan, Vladimir ; Eimre, Kristjan ; Flage-Larsen, Espen ; Fornari, Marco ; Garcia, Alberto ; Genovese, Luigi ; Giantomassi, Matteo ; Huber, Sebastiaan P. ; Janssen, Henning ; Kastlunger, Georg ; Krack, Matthias ; Kresse, Georg ; Kühne, Thomas D. ; Lejaeghere, Kurt ; Madsen, Georg K. H. ; Marsman, Martijn ; Marzari, Nicola ; Michalicek, Gregor ; Mirhosseini, Hossein ; Müller, Tiziano M. A. ; Petretto, Guido ; Pickard, Chris J. ; Poncé, Samuel ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Rubel, Oleg ; Ruh, Thomas ; Sluydts, Michael ; Vanpoucke,
Danny E. P. ; Vijay, Sudarshan ; Wolloch, Michael ; Wortmann, Daniel ; Yakutovich, Aliaksandr V. ; Yu, Jusong ; Zadoks, Austin ; Zhu, Bonan ; Pizzi, Giovanni. How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows. In : Nature Reviews Physics, Vol. 6, no.1, p. 45-58 (2023). - Evans, Matthew ; Bergsma, Johan ; Merkys, Andrius ; Andersen, Casper W. ; Andersson, Oskar B. ; Beltrán, Daniel ; Blokhin, Evgeny ; Boland, Tara M. ; Castañeda Balderas, Rubén ; Choudhary, Kamal ; Díaz Díaz, Alberto ; Domínguez García, Rodrigo ; Eckert, Hagen ; Eimre, Kristjan ; Fuentes Montero, María Elena ; Krajewski, Adam M. ; Mortensen, Jens Jørgen ; Nápoles Duarte, José Manuel ; Pietryga, Jacob ; Qi, Ji ; Trejo Carrillo, Felipe de Jesús ; Vaitkus, Antanas ; Yu, Jusong ; Zettel, Adam ; de Castro, Pedro Baptista ; Carlsson, Johan ; Cerqueira, Tiago F. T. ; Divilov, Simon ; Hajiya-
ni, Hamidreza ; Hanke, Felix ; Jose, Kevin ; Oses, Corey ; Riebesell, Janosh ; Schmidt, Jonathan ; Winston, Donald ; Xie, Christen ; Yang, Xiaoyu ; Bonella, Sara ; Botti, Silvana ; Curtarolo, Stefano ; Draxl, Claudia ; Fuentes Cobas, Luis Edmundo ; Hospital, Adam ; Liu, Zi-Kui ; Marques, Miguel A. L. ; Marzari, Nicola ; Morris, Andrew J. ; Ong, Shyue Ping ; Orozco, Modesto ; Persson, Kristin A. ; Thygesen, Kristian S. ; Wolverton, Chris ; Scheidgen, Markus ; Toher, Cormac ; Conduit, Gareth J. ; Pizzi, Giovanni ; Gražulis, Saulius ; Rignanese, Gian-Marco ; Armiento, Rickard. Developments and applications of the OPTIMADE API for materials discovery, design, and data exchange. In : Digital Discovery, Vol. 3, no.8, p. 1509-1533 (2024). - Yao, Zhengquan ; Shi, Xuefa ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Jaccard, Samuel ; Liu, Yanguang ; Guo, Zhengtang ; A. Gorbarenko, Sergey ; Wang, Kunshan ; Chen, Tianyu ; Wu, Zhipeng. Ice sheet and precession controlled subarctic Pacific productivity and upwelling over the last 550,000 years. In : Nature Communications, Vol. 15, no.1, p. 1-10 (2024).
- Zhong, Yi ; Liu, Yanguang ; Yang, Hu ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Orbital controls on North Pacific dust flux during the late quaternary. In : Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 51, no.4, p. 1-14 (2024).
- Querinjean, Guillaume ; Colognesi, Victor ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Poncelet, Gilles ; Caprace, Denis-Gabriel ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Large Eddy Simulation of an Advancing Rotor For the Characterization of Wake Signature and Wake Encounter Severity on Final Approach. In : proceedings of the 50th European Rotorcraft Forum, 2024 xxx.
- Crismer, Jean-Baptiste ; Thomas Haas ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Investigation of controlled AWES flying in turbulent atmospheric conditions using Large Eddy Simulation. 2024 xxx.
- Liu, Wei ; Shi, Feng ; Zhang, Xiao ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Different AMOC Stabilization between Past Interglacials and Future. 2024 xxx.
- Wu, Zhipeng ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Berger, André ; Guo, Zhengtang. Forcing mechanisms of the half-precession cycle in western tropical Pacific temperature. 2024 xxx.
- An, Wenling ; Treydte, Kerstin ; Xu, Chenxi ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Natural variability has dominated the movement of High Asia Polar Jet over the past six centuries. 2024 xxx.
- Guo, Jingjing ; Ziegler, Martin ; Wanders, Niko ; Vreeken, Mike ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Robust land surface temperature record for north China over the past 21,000 years. 2024 xxx.
- De Le Court, Miguel ; Legat, Vincent ; Lambrechts, Jonathan. Ocean Models, But What If We Made Them 100× Faster ?. 2024 xxx.
- Trigaux, François ; Chatelain, Philippe ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Impact of rotor size on the aeroelastic behavior of large turbines : a LES study using flexible actuator lines. In : Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 2767, no.2, p. 022062 (2024). Institute of physics publishing, 2024 xxx.
- Dobbelaere, Thomas ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Assessing inter-annual, inter-specific and hurricane-induced connectivity variability in Florida’s Coral Reef and its impact on restoration site selection. 2024 xxx.
- Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Hanert, Emmanuel ; Scherpereel, Colin ; Alosairi, Yousef. Assessing the impact of bridge construction and land reclamation on water residence time in Kuwait Bay. 2024 xxx.
- Crismer, Jean-Baptiste ; Thomas Haas ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Winckelmans, Grégoire. Airborne wind energy systems flying optimal trajectories in turbulent wind using flight path tracking. In : Journal of Physics : Conference Series. Vol. 2767, no.7, p. 072021 (2024). 2024 xxx.
- Randresihaja, Ny Riana ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; Alaerts, Lauranne ; Hanert, Emmanuel. Assessing the sensitivity of storm surge simulations to the atmospheric forcing resolution across the land-sea continuum. 2024 xxx.
- Quan, Xiaowen ; Sanchez Goñi, Maria Fernanda ; Moal-Darrigade, Paul ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Polanco-Martinez, Josue. Variability of the North Atlantic westerlies during MIS 31-16 (1.1- 0.65 Ma) from SW Iberian margin records. 2024 xxx.
- Zhang, Zhifeng ; Huang, Yongjian ; Ma, Chao ; Yin, Qiuzhen. CO2-forced change in glacial response to precession likely causes the Middle-Pleistocene Transition and 100-kyr glacial cycles. 2024 xxx.
- Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Liang, Mingqiang ; Berger, André ; Goosse, Hugues ; Hodell, David. Insolation triggered abrupt cooling at the end of interglacials and implication for the future. 2024 xxx.
- Capron, Emilie ; Raynaud, Dominique ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Parrenin, Frédéric ; Berger, André ; Lipenkov, Vladimir ; Guilluy, Héloïse. Past local summer temperature revealed by the total air content record from the Antarctic EPICA Dome C ice core. 2024 xxx.
- Lu, Zhengyao ; Schultze, Anna ; Carré, Matthieu ; Brierley, Christopher ; Hopcroft, Peter ; Zhao, Debo ; Zheng, Minjie ; Bracconot, Pascale ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Jungclaus, Johann ; Shi, Xiaoxu ; Yang, Haijun ; Zhang, Qiong. Enhanced frequency of multi-year El Niño-Southern Oscillation across the Holocene. 2024 xxx.
- Lu, Hao ; Guo, Jingjing ; Fuchs, Louise ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Sun, Youbin ; Peterse, Francien. Insolation and ice volume induced extreme cooling events in East Asia during glacial times. 2024 xxx.
- Panbut, Chanamon ; Lu, Hao ; Guo, Jingjing ; Sun, Youbin ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Xiao, Guoqiao ; Peterse, Francien. Molecular records of temperature and precipitation variability in East Asia over MIS-13 to MIS-11. 2024 xxx.
- Guo, Jingjing ; Fuchs, Louise ; Ziegler, Martin ; Lu, Hao ; Yin, Qiuzhen ; Sun, Youbin ; Peterse, Francien. Obliquity forcing explains spatial offsets in the onset of deglacial warming in central China. 2024 xxx.
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- Balty, Pierre ; Poncelet, Gilles ; Duponcheel, Matthieu ; Chatelain, Philippe. A Multi-resolution Vortex Particle-Mesh method. 2024 xxx.
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- Wolff, Wolff ; Capron, Emilie ; Tzedakis, Polychronis ; Legrain, Etienne ; Mitsui, Takahito ; Yin, Qiuzhen. The intensity of interglacials during the last 800 kyr. 2024 xxx.
- Zhao, Deai ; Xiao, Guoqiao ; Hao, Qingzhen ; Tian, Shaohua ; Wu, Zhipeng ; Lu, Hao ; Dai, Gaowen ; Peng, Shuzhen ; Huang, Chunjv ; Yin, Qiuzhen. Different orbital rhythms in loess grain-size records across the Chinese Loess Plateau. 2024 xxx.
- Moens, Maud ; Lejeune, Maxime ; Chatelain, Philippe. An advanced farm flow estimator for the real-time evaluation of the potential wind power of a down- regulated wind farm. In : Journal of Physics : Conference Series. Vol. 2767, no.-, p. 032044 (2024). IOP Publishing, 2024 xxx.
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