Please confirm your arrival by entering the effective date of arrival and the expected date of departure via Mob-i (also part of the mobility grant procedure)
Finalize your learning agreement 3 weeks after your arrival (Mob-i). Every possible change in your study program has to be included in your learning agreement modification (via Mob-i only). It must be signed by all parties (yourself, the host institution and the ESL international coordinator).
Keep in mind the ESL deadlines:
Consult the ESL electronic boards and your uclouvain email address regularly
Register for the exams at your host university and if you go during the 2nd semester of Year 2 of your master, don't forget to register for you thesis at UClouvain.
Complete the documentation related to your Erasmus funding (eg: your certificate of arrival and departure).
Find out how you can be sent your transcript at the end of the semester. Please note that ESL must receive it before the deliberation date in June, otherwise your graduation will postponed to September.
Grade conversion: according to the destinations, the grading system may vary (A to F, grade out of 5, pass or fail...). The conversion is carefully set for each partner institution. Those conversion grids are availalbe from the ESL international coordinator.
If you fail an exam or more, the host institution may not allow you to re-sit it at a later time. Please check what are the modalities and possible costs with the international coordinator at the host university.