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Master Students - ECON2MA

esl | Louvain-la-Neuve

ECON2MA Master students can apply to go on exchange during the 2nd semester of their 1st year. Please note only European destinations are available due to the application timeframe.

AUSTRIA Vienna        Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
BELGIUM Leuven KU Leuven - Faculty of Economics and Business
CZECH REPUBLIC Prague Univerzita Karlova
FRANCE Paris Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne                                                                 
FRANCE Paris Université Paris Cité
FRANCE Strasbourg Université de Strasbourg
FRANCE St Denis Université de la Réunion
FRANCE Toulouse Université Toulouse I Capitole
FRANCE Bordeaux  Université de Bordeaux
GERMANY Berlin Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
GERMANY Mainz Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität
GERMANY Mannheim Universität Mannheim
ITALY Bologna Università di Bologna
ITALY Milan Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi
ITALY Milan Università degli studi di Milano - UNIMI
ITALY Pisa Università di Pisa
ITALY Rome LUISS Università Guido Carli
ITALY Rome Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza
ITALY Sassari (Sardinia) Università degli studi di Sassari
ITALY Venice Università "Ca Foscari"
NORWAY Oslo University of Oslo
POLAND Warsaw SGH Warsaw School of Economics
PORTUGAL Lisbon Universidade Católica Portuguesa - UCP
SPAIN Madrid Universidad Carlos III
SWITZERLAND Geneva Université de Genève
THE NETHERLANDS Maastricht Maastricht University
UNITED KINGDOM (ENGLAND) Canterbury** University of Kent

Interested ECON2MA students must apply no later than 25 September of their 1st year in the Master.

Please contact at the beginning of the academic year. 

1. A pre-selection is done by the ESL international Committee on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Academic results: past results during the bachelior programme.
  • Motivation of the student: Letter explaining your motivations for the destination and the courses.
  • Proficiency in the teaching language of the host university (+ basic knowledge in the main language of the country)

2.  The application file should consist of:

  • a motivation letter (briefly presenting your motivation in going to a  specific exchange destination, choice of courses,...)
  • your transcript of records of all the past academic years (passed or failed)

3.  Once completed, please email your application (PDF format), to the following email address: or hand it in directly to the international office (Dupriez's Building - Ground Floor - D.010).

4.  Your application will be reviewed by the International Committee. The committee reserves the right to invite the student to an inteview and/or a language test.

5.  The pre-selected students will be notified by emails.

The final selection is conditional on validating a certain amount of ECTS as per the information below: a minimum of 120 ECTS (in 2 years) and a general average of more than 13.5 by the September exam session of Bloc 2

  • No remote or early exam will be organized for students who can't attend their exams at UNamur or UCLouvain due to mobility reasons.
  • It is not possible to change the destination after the pre-selections have been announced.
  • All courses pending successful completion from previous programmes will have to be passed before departure (in addition to the criteria above mentioned)