After enroling...
ilv | Bruxelles Woluwe, Charleroi, Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons
Once you've registered, there are...
3 steps to complete
2 not-to-be-missed tutorials, so that your Dashboard & Teams are no longer a mystery to you
1 academic year to experience, just like the languages at the ILV, the Language Institute of the UCLouvain
Let's get started !
Exam enrolment periods for January + pre-exam session = Week 14 (Q1) ♦ from Tuesday 12/11 to Tuesday 19/11/2024 June + pre-exam session = Week 13 (Q2) ♦ from Monday 17/03 to Monday 24/03/2
My group on Moodle UCLouvainOnce you have officially enrolled in an ILV course, you must register for a group on Moodle UCLouvain depending on the language selected (Moodle is UCLouvain's teaching platform based on the open sour