Luxembourg in Transition
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Mission expertise vision 'Luxembourg in Transition'
Project description
This project, launched by Department of Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, worked towards a Spatial visions for the low-carbon and sustainable future of the Luxembourg functional region and aiming to gather a strategic spatial planning proposals and produce “towards 2050” ecological transition scenarios for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and neighboring border territories. In this context, this study focused on the multiple water systems and their ecologies in order to understand the possible scenarios for achieving such goals by 2050.
Keywords, main expertise
Water systems; transition urbanism; territorial resilience; Cradle to cradle; De-Growth ; Deep Ecology
Funding bodies
Luxembourg Department of Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning
UCLouvain promotor(s)
Prof. Chiara Cavalieri
UCLouvain researcher(s)
Lucas Lerchs
External partners
StudioPaolaViganò ; Ecole Polytechique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suisse
Habitat Research Center (coordinateur scientifique de l’équipe) ; Metabolism of Cities asbl, Bruxelles, Belgique ; Idea Strategische&Economsische Consulting NV, Bruxelles, Belgique ; Serge Ecker, Artiste indépendant, Differdange, Luxembourg
Link to external Webpage(s)