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Water Resources Management

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Water Resources Management

    The Language of Water
    The Language of Water Project description This research is the output of a mission for the department Omgeving of the Flamish Governement which seeked for unfolding a methodology for representing th
    SMART-Medjerda : Renforcement des capacités en surveillance pour une gestion intelligente des ressources en eau de la Medjerda Short Project description Le projet vise à augmenter la résilience de l
    Luxembourg in Transition
    Mission expertise vision 'Luxembourg in Transition' Project description This project, launched by Department of Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, worked towards a Spat
    GIRE-SAVA RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES EN GESTION INTEGREE DES RESSOURCES EN EAU DE LA REGION SAVA Project description La région SAVA dans le Nord-Est de Madagascar, est exposée aux risques hydriques
    Appui technique et scientifique pour la valorisation et la gestion intégrée et durable des eaux dans les BAs-FONds au BÉnin pour l’irrigation: BAFONBÉ Short Project description L’objectif général du
    Advancing urban metabolism studies through GIS data: resource flows, open space networks, and vulnerable communities in Mexico City. Short Project description Urban metabolism studies provide valuab
    Advancing the Urban Metabolism agenda across disciplines: An Integrated Framework for understanding the contribution of Ecosystem Services to Urban Metabolism assessments Short Project description T