Emergency and Emergence
The international journal Buildings & Cities has recently commissioned a series of commentaries to discuss the challenges of the last 5 years in building research and practice.Sergio Altomonte, au
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Shut Up and Write sessions
For whom?
All researchers and professors from LOCI-LAB
Members of all sites are welcome
Library of LOCI-Brussels (in the magazines room)
Rue Wafelaerts 47/51, 1060 Brussels
Writing d
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Another Successful LAB Day
Once again LAB Day was a great success !
The third LAB DAY took place in Tournai on 9 September.
The exhibition of posters by doctoral students and post-doc gave rise to many fascinating
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PhD scholarship @LAB
Do you want to innovate in sustainable building design and lifecycle thinking through a PhD thesis?
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Genre & Logement
L’étude « les inégalités de genre dans le logement » réalisée par une équipe pluridisciplinaire de l’UCLouvain en 2023 est publiée et vient combler le manque de données à ce sujet en Région Bruxellois
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