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Apply for an Erasmus+ PhD traineeship at SST

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UCLouvain PhD students (SST) going on a mobility for a traineeship manage their project interactively with the International Relations coordinator of the Sector of Science and Technology (Ms Ana Fernández Gacio) via the OSIS-Mobi app. The system allows:

  1. To create and manage mobility registrations, as well as data relating to their stay;

  2. To create and manage proposals for traineeship agreements.

PhD international mobility mobility is offered exclusively at the level of Erasmus+ Participating Countries (member countries of the European Union + Norway, Serbia, North Macedonia, Iceland and Liechtenstein).

PhD students are allowed to carry Short-term (5 to 30 days) and long-term mobility (2 to 12 months) following the conditions listed in the web pages below. Note that there is no restriction on frequency, within the limit of a quota of 12 months of Erasmus+ funding per cycle of studies (short and long durations combined), unless special restrictions are set by the UCLouvain entity.

Please read here the eligibility criteria and Erasmus+ funding of short-and long term PhD mobility.

The process can be initiated by the student once:

  1. he/she has the authorization of his/her UCLouvain PhD promotor and the corresponding CDD
  2. he/she has informed the mobility administrator, Ms Ana Fernández Gacio, by email ( Your promotor MUST be in copy of this mail.

The link to access the module for students is available via their Dashboard (myUCL), in the widget 'My studies' > 'My student file' > 'My mobility'. You can download here an user's manual to access to the module and to guide you step by step. Please take the time to carefully read the guide as most of the questions you may have will probably find an answer in the guide.