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Registration and practical information

agro | Louvain-la-Neuve

  1. Admission and registration procedure
  2. Registration approval
  3. Housing
  4. International Student's day
  5. Conversion of grades
  6. VISA allocation for a non European student with a residence permit in another EU Member State

Admission and registration procedure

You are invited to enroll online as soon as possible and by March 31, 2024 at the latest for the students who are nationals of a country outside the European Union and do not reside in Belgium and need a VISA.  We strongly recommend to the students who are nationals of are nationals of a European Union country / a country with a VISA exemption (Norway, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland and Iceland)  and have a foreign access diploma to enroll for the same deadline so you are admitted on time and it's also necessary for your accomodation.

Steps to enroll online :

  1. Go to the page :
  2. Click on 'regular enrolment'.
  3. Choose your nationality : 'Nationals of a country part of the European Union' or 'Nationals of a country outside of the European Union'
  4. Please read the general remarks and click at the end of the page on 'online application'.
  5. You will arrive on the page 'Welcome to the online registration page'. To display the page in English you have to click on 'En' at the top right of the page. Click on 'You do not have an account yet?': 'Create your account' and fill in the form.  You will receive an e-mail asking you to validate your e-mail address. You have to click on the link you have received in your e-mail box. You will be redirected to the UCLouvain page.
  6. You have to click on 'Log in' and you are invited to indentify yourself.
  7. To display the page in English click on 'En' at the top right of the page. Click on 'Create new admission'. Fill it in your information in the section 'personal data', in the section 'course choice' : choose 'Master and specialised master' and 'Louvain-La-Neuve' for the campus. A list appears, choose the Master you will enroll : 
    • AFEPA : Master [120] in Agriculture and Bio-industries, Professional focus : Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis at Louvain-La-Neuve
    • GEM : Master [120] in Agriculture and Bio-industries, Professional focus : Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management at Louvain-La-Neuve
    • MIS-SOL : Master [120] in Agriculture and Bio-industries, Professional focus : soil Science at Louvain-La-Neuve.
  8. Answer the three questions about your specific profile:
    • AFEPA Master : "Are you a dual degree student ?" check the box 'No'. "Do you have an international scholarship?" choose 'Yes' and choose in the "drop-down menu" : 'Afepa'. Are you an Erasmus Mundus student : choose 'No'.
    • GEM Master : "Are you a dual degree student ?" check the box 'Yes' and choose AGRO DD UCLOUVAIN/GEM in the "drop down menu". "Do you have an international scholarship?" choose 'No'. Are you an Erasmus Mundus student : choose 'No'.
    • MIS-SOL Master :  "Are you a dual degree student ?" check the box 'Yes' and choose AGRO DD UCLOUVAIN/MIS-SOL in the "drop down menu". "Do you have an international scholarship?" choose 'No'. Are you an Erasmus Mundus student : choose 'No'.
  9. Fill in the other sections with your information.
  10. Do not forget to save your data regularly and to validate at the end.
  11. For any questions related to this online process registration please contact :

Registration approval

Once your online application is finalized and submitted, your application must be approved by the Faculty and by the enrollment service.  If your submission is complete, then you will receive by e-mail the admission letter within two weeks as well as your global ID and password which will allow you to activate you UCLouvain account : e-mail address and other accesses.  You will also receive the online instructions to order your student card (please make sure to request it online before your arrival at UCLouvain).


If you wish to book accommodation at UCLouvain (information on university accommodation are available via the following link:, we ask you to confirm it to the mobility office by e-mail: as soon as possible, no later than May 14, 2024 noon. Please do not apply online. After May 14, 2024, you will no longer be considered as a priority.

After May 14, 2024, we invite you to book quickly your accommodation through the online process of the UCLouvain housing service :
The student rooms are assigned on a "first come-first served" basis, the number of UCLouvain rooms is limited.  For any questions please contact :
Do not hesitate to extend your research beyond Louvain-La-Neuve to Ottignies, Wavre, Brussels for example, if you cannot find accommodation in Louvain-La-Neuve.
Please pay attention to the administrative procedures with private owners to avoid any abuse.  Temporary alternatives accomodation are proposed in our Faculty welcome guide.

International Student's day

We will welcome the students during the International Student's Day proposed by the Faculty and the University on September 13, 2024 (date to be confirmed) click here (mandatory welcome meeting).  Details will be available later.

Conversion of grades

Students enrolled in a double degree program are entitled to fair treatment of their marks when credits are transferred from one institution to another. Grades are converted on the basis of an established ECTS grading scale. The tool used can be consulted at the following link.

VISA allocation for a non European student with a residence permit in another EU Member State

Further to a ministerial decree if you have the status of a non European student with a residence permit in another EU Member State (e.g. students enrolled in an educational institution located in Europe) then: we would need to receive some required information from you. Information/documents needed are listed in this document. We would need to receive it as soon as possible by e-mail: (by June 14th, 2024 at the latest).

We will then complete Appendix 3 (available here for your information only) and send your file by e-mail to the foreigners' office so that you can receive the approval of your mobility. You will be included in copy of the email.

Once you are in Belgium, you will be invited to present a copy of your file at the municipality. They will then issue the Appendix 33 for the duration of the mobility.