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Five member universities of Circle U. Alliance (Humboldt, UCLouvain, Oslo, Aarhus and Paris) together with the University of Lisbon have been awarded a Strategic Partnership funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The Strategic Partnership InnovEd4TS (Innovative Education For Transferable Skills) focuses on the analysis and the development of initiatives that promote the acquisition of transferable skills among students.

Employers increasingly require transferable skills (TS) as an attribute of university graduates. In combinaison with deep disciplinary knowledge, TS enable graduates to address future societal challenges, navigate a constantly evolving labor market and ensure Europe’s global competitiveness. Universities are well aware of the need to teach transferable skills in addition to - and in conjunction with - disciplinary knowledge.

The aim of this report is to focus on 12 « must needed skills » and to propose for each one:

  • a definition

  • descriptors to qualify the level of achievement (novice, intermediate, advanced) that may be gained through teaching and learning activities.

The report has been written on the basis of a number of available frameworks and a state-of-the-art review. It provides criteria to identify at which proficiency level a given skill is developed within a teaching and learning activity in the form of « rubrics », which are a three level achievement matrix; for each level, the degree of mastery is described in a qualitative way.

  Download the report here