Frequently Questions Asked
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What rules govern the electoral process?
The electoral process is governed by the Rectoral Election Regulations, which were approved by the UCLouvain Board of Governors on 5 July 2023.
The practical organisation of electoral operations is the responsibility of the Electoral Commission, which is made up of representatives of staff (CORA, CORSCI, CORTA), students, and experts from within and outside UCLouvain, as well as an information system security officer, the Research Ethics Commission chair (who chairs the Electoral Commission), and an administrative staff member who acts as Electoral Commission secretary.
Who can vote?
All UCLouvain staff who meet the requirements and students enrolled in an academic degree course have the right to vote (Arts. 6 and 7, Electoral Regulations). Staff who work less than half-time are entitled to vote provided they are registered to do so (Art. 7, Electoral Regulations).
The electoral college amounts in 2023-2024 to approximately 6,800 staff members and 38,900 students, i.e. a potential constituency of approximately 45,700 voters.
How are votes allocated?
As a rule, each voter has one vote. There are exceptions for certain categories of voters and for voters who work less than half-time at UCLouvain (Art. 10, Staff Regulations).
The allocation of votes within the electorate depends on voter category and turnout within said category (Art. 12, Electoral Regulations).
- Academic staff voters = 61%
- Scientific staff voters = 13%
- Administrative and technical staff voters = 13%
- Student voters = 13%
If the turnout rate within a category does not reach the required threshold (90% for academics and 15% for the other categories), the number of votes allocated to that category is adjusted in proportion to the number of votes that were not cast but were required to reach the threshold.
Who can be a candidate?
To be eligible for the post of rector, a candidate must:
- be a full-time UCLouvain full professor, professor or full clinical professor;
- in the case of a first or second non-consecutive term of office, be able to complete it;
- be in full possession of their civil and political rights;
- be nominated and supported by the university community via 120 registered voter signatures, including at least 30 from each of the three sectors (Art. 16, Electoral Regulations).
How do i submit my candidacy ?
Prospective candidates must submit their nomination documents to the Electoral Commission chair between 8 December 2023 (8am) and 14 December 2023 (6pm) (Art. 17, Electoral Regulations).
The final list of candidates will be published on the website on 31 January 2024. The entire university community will also be informed by email.
How is the election outcome determined ?
A candidate is elected if he/she wins an absolute majority of the weighted votes cast (excluding blank ballots) (Art. 25, Electoral Regulations).
If no more than a single candidate runs, only one round is held. The candidate must win an absolute majority to be elected. Failing this, the process will repeated from the beginning (Arts. 23 and 26, Electoral Regulations).
If more than one candidate runs but neither or none obtains a majority in the first round, a second round takes place involving the two candidates who won the most votes (Art. 23, Electoral Regulations). The candidate who wins an absolute majority in the second round is elected rector (Art. 26, Electoral Regulations).
How are the results announced?
The Electoral Commission chair announces the results by email to the university community. They are also published on the website.
Do i have to register to vote?
Only those who work less than half-time must register, from 15 to 19 January 2024. The practical arrangements are detailed on the dedicated election webpage and emailed specifically to such staff by the Electoral Commission chair.
For each ballot, the voter will be emailed a notice specifying:
- voter category;
- election date and time;
- the secure university website address where the vote will be recorded (Art. 13).
When and how to vote ?
When ?
- The first round of voting takes place from 25 March 2024 (8am) to 27 March 2024 (7pm).
- In the event of a second round, voting will take place from 22 April 2024 (8am) to 24 April 2024 (7pm).
How ?
- From your workstation, at home or elsewhere, via the Internet.
- At campus polling stations (Louvain-la-Neuve, Brussels Woluwe, Brussels Saint-Gilles, Saint-Louis Brussels, Tournai, Mons, Saint-Luc University Hospital, CHU UCL-Namur) (Art. 20, Electoral Regulations). These polling stations will be open during the three days of the voting period, from 9am to 5pm (Art. 21, Electoral Regulations).
When will the rector-elect take office ?
The rector-elect takes office on 1 September 2024 (Art. 58bis, Organic Regulations) for a term of five years (Art 17, Ordinary Regulations).