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Congress participation

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22nd International Symposium of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
Duchatelet, L. (Oral)
Coubris, C. (Oral)
Mallefet J. (Oral, Chairman)


11th European Conference on Echinoderms
Lyon (France)
Mallefet J. (Oral, Chairman)
Coubris C. (Oral)

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
Coubris C. (Poster)
Benelux Congress of Zoology
Leiden (The Netherlands)
Coubris C. (Oral)
21st International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence
Gijon (Spain)
Coubris C. (Oral)
Duchatelet L. (Oral, Poster)
Mallefet J. (Oral)
Biodiversity in a rapidly changing world
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
Coubris C. (Oral)
Duchatelet L. (Organisator/Oral)
Martin U. (Oral)

24th European Elasmobranch Association 
Leiden (The Netherlands)
Martin U. (Oral)

21st International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
Gijon (Spain)
Mallefet J. (Plenary)

16th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium
Brest (France)
Mallefet J. (Oral)


12th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies
Gaming (Austria)
Martin U. (Poster)
5th World conference on marine biodiversity
Auckland (New Zealand)
Mallefe J. (Poster)
23rd European Elasmobranch Association
Rende (Italia)
Martin U. (Poster)
20th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence
Nantes (France)
Mallefet J. (Plenary, Poster, Chairman)
Pinte N. (Oral)
Duchatelet L. (Oral, Poster)
Delroisse J. (Poster)
16th International Echinoderm Conference
Nagoya (Japan)
Mallefet J. (Plenary)
5th Sharks International Conference
Joao Pessoa (Brasil)
Pinte N. (Oral)
53th European Marine Biology Symposium
Ostend (Belgium)
Otjacques E. (Oral)
15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium
Monterey, California (USA)
Mallefet J. (Oral)
22th European Elasmobranch Association
Peniche (Portugal)
Duchatelet L. (Oral)
Pinte N. (Oral)
25th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Antwerpen (Belgium)
Duchatelet L. (Oral, chairman)
Lourtie A. (Oral)
Janssen A. (Oral)
Finet E. (Oral)
33rd American Elasmobranch Society
Austin (Texas - USA)
Duchatelet L. (Oral)
Pinte N. (Oral)
21th European Elasmobranch Association
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Pinte N. (Oral)
Duchatelet L. (Poster)
Martin U. (Poster)
Godefroid M. (Poster)
4th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology
Moscow (Russia)
Delroisse J. (Oral)
24th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Wageningen (The Nederlands)
Godefroid M. (Oral)
Martin U. (Oral)
Kerguelen Plateau Marine Ecosystems & Fisheries - Symposium 2017
Hobart (Austalie)
Mallefet J. (Oral)
19th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence
Tsukuba (Japon)
Mallefet J. (oral, poster)
Delroisse J. (poster)
Duchatelet L. (poster)
22nd International Congress of Zoology
Okinawa (Japon)
Duchatelet L. (poster)
23th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Anvers (Belgique)
Duchatelet L. (Oral)
20th European Elasmobranch Association
Bristol (Royaume Uni)
Pinte N. (oral)
15th International Echinoderm Conference
Playa del Carmen (Mexico)
Mallefet J (1 oral , 1 plenary, Chairman)
21th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Liège (Belgique)
Mallefet J. (poster)
Delroisse J. (poster)
Pinte N. (poster)
Duchatelet L. (poster), Moris V. (poster)
18th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence
Uppsala (Suède)
Mallefet J. (oral, chairman)
Claes J. (oral)
Delroisse J. (oral, poster)
Gouveneaux A. (oral, poster)
18th International Symposium on Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence
Uppsala (Suède)
Mallefet J. (oral, chairman)
Claes J. (oral)
Delroisse J. (oral, poster)
Gouveneaux A. (oral, poster)
7th European Conference on Echinoderms
Göttingen (Allemagne)
Mallefet J. (1 poster, 1 plenary) chairman
Jones A. (1 oral - lauréate meilleure présentation)
Delroisse J. (1 oral)
16th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and chemiluminescence.
Lyon (France)
Mallefet J. (chairman)
Jones A. - oral
Renwart M. - oral
9th European Elasmobranch Society
Galway (Royaume Uni)
Claes J. (Oral)
13th International Echinoderm Conference
Hobard, Tasmania (Australia)
Mallefet J. (2 communications) (2 Posters) Chairman of a session
American Elasmobranch society
Portland (USA)
Claes J. (oral)
Mallefet J. (oral)
15th International Symposium on Bioluminescence et Chemiluminescence
Shanghai (China)
Mallefet J. (1 oral & 1 poster) Chairman
Claes J. (1 Oral - lauréat prix International Marlène DeLuca)
Luminescence Summit
Potsdam (Germany)
Mallefet J. (plenary lecture)
15th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Liège (Belgium)
Claes J. (poster)
Havermans C. (poster)
14th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Claes J. (poster)
12th International Echinoderm Conference
Durham (New Hampshire - USA)
Mallefet J. (2 orals & 1 poster; chairman)
Vanderlinden C. (1 oral- best student presentation)
14th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
San Diego (California - USA)
Mallefet J. (1 oral; chairman)
Kronstrom ( 1 oral; lauréat prix International Marlène DeLuca
12th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Wageningen (The Nederlands)
Vanhemelen M & Vanderlinden Ch. (1 Poster)
Van Dongel Vogels V. (1 Poster)
Réunion de la Société Belge de Physiologie
Gent (Belgium)
Vanderlinden Ch. (1 communication orale)
13th International Symposium Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
Yokohama (Japon)
Krönström J. (1 communication orale)
Mallefet J. (1 communication orale)
Vanderlinden Ch. (1 communication orale)
11th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Louvain la Neuve (Belgium)
Vanhemelen M. ( 1 Poster)
Vanderlinden Ch. (1 Poster)
Bouveroux T. (1 Poster)
10th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Leiden (The Nederlands)
Vanderlinden Ch. (1 poster)
Zintzen V. (1 communication orale)
11th International Echinoderm Conference
Munich (Allemagne)
Mallefet J. (1 com., 3 Posters -Chairman- Membre jury "Best Student Presentation
Vanderlinden Ch. (1 communication orale - Best Student Award - 1 Poster)
VLIZ Young scientist's Day

Zintzen V. (1 Poster)
Journée des doctorands BIOL
Louvain la Neuve (Belgique)
Vanderlinden Ch. (1 communication orale)
9th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Antwerpen (Belgium)
Dupont S. (1 poster)
Vanderlinden Ch. (1 communication orale)
Second International Symposium on Ecolog
Antwerpen (Belgium)
Dupont S. (1 Poster)
8th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale)
Fauville G. ( 1 communication orale)
Mallefet J. (1 communication orale)
Journée des doctorands BIOL
Louvain la Neuve (Belgium)
Dupont S. (2 communications orales , 1 Poster - Comité organisateur)
Dewael Y. (1 poster)
6th European conference on Echinoderm
Banyuls (France)
Dewael Y. (1 communication orale, 1 Poster)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale, 1 Poster)
Fauville G. (1 Poster)
Mallefet J. (1 com. et 1 Poster - Chairman - Reviewer pour le Proceeding)
SAS Academic Day
Bruxelles (Belgium)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale)
10th International Echinoderm Conference
Dunedin (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Dupont S. (1 com. orale, 1 Poster - Reviewer pour le Proceeding)
Mallefet J. (1 com. orale, 1 Poster - Chairman - Reviewer pour le Proceeding)
Journée des doctorands BIOL
Louvain la Neuve (Belgium)
Dupont S. (1 Poster)
Dewael Y. (1 communication orale, 1 Poster)
6th Meeting of phD Students in Evolutionary Biology
Vaalbeek (?)
Dupont S. (1 com. orale - Chairman de la session "Life History Evolution")
Annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology
Exeter (Angleterre)
Dewael Y. (1 communication orale, 1 Poster)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale, 1 Poster)
XIIème Rencontre de Blois, "Frontiers of Life"
Blois (France)
Dupont S. (1 poster)
11th Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence
Monterey (USA)
Dewael Y. (1 communication orale, 1 Poster)
Dupont S. (2 communications orales, 1 Poster)
Mallefet J. (1 communication orale, 2 Posters - Chairman)
Baguet F. (1 communication orale, 1 Poster - Chairman)
61ème Congrès National de l'Unione Zoologica Italiana
San Benedetto del Tronto (Italie)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale , 1 Poster)
SAS Users Conference Belgium and Luxembourg (Blues 2000)
Bruxelles (Belgium)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale - Invited speaker)
Journée des doctorants du Centre des Sciences de la Mer
Roscoff (France)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale)
7th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Bruxelles (Belgium)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale - Membre du jury "Best phD Poster")
Symposium on Biodiversity, From genes to landscape
Louvain la Neuve (Belgium)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale - Comité organisateur)
Réunion de la Société Belge de Physiologie
Leuven (Belgium)
Dupont S. (1 Poster)
Mallefet J.
34th European Marine Biology Symposium
Ponta Delgada (Açores)
Dupont S. (1 communication orale)
6th Benelux Congres of Zoology
Utrecht (Hollande)
Deweal Y. (1 Poster)
Dupont S. (1 com. orale 1 Poster - Chairman de la session "Ecology")
9th International Symposium on Bioluminesence and chemiluminescence
Bologne (Italie)
Mallefet J. ( 1 communication orale)
San Diego (Etats-Unis)
Mallefet J. ( 1 communication orale - Invited speaker)
5th Benelux Congress of Zoology
Gent (Belgium)
Dewael Y. (1 communication oral)
Dupont S. (1 communication oral)
Mallefet J.
5th European Conference on Echinoderms
Milano (Italy)
Dupont S. (1 poster)
Mallefet J. ( Plenary lecture - Invited speaker)