Professor Jérôme Mallefet
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After his Ph.D. graduation in 1982 (UCLouvain), Jérôme Mallefet (born 1960) obtained his PhD in 1988, he was postdoctoral researcher FNRS and was awarded a Canadian government postdoctoral fellowship at the Michel Anctil lab (Biology department - Université de Montréal, Canada). Since 1990, he has a permanent position as Research Associate FNRS at UCLouvain and leads his own research group in Marine Biology currently composed of 4 Ph.D. students and 3 MSc students. His primary research interest is in the field of bioluminescence: he investigates the basis of light emission in various taxa (physiology, behavioral ecology and molecular bases), in collaboration with leading experts. he has published 113 articles in peer-reviewed journals or books chapters including the flagship journals Scientific reports, Biology letters and Proceedings Royal Society. and Journal of Experimental Biology. He frequently is a plenary speaker on international meetings on bioluminescence and echinoderms and is a scientific advisor for the International Symposium of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (ISBC from 2002), he is member of the editorial board of the journal Luminescence. He has served also as jury member of the FNRS Doctoral School of Biology, Ecology and Evolution (2004-2015). He teaches courses in Marine Biology, Marine Biology field course, Marine biodiversity, Current Issue in Marine Biology, Comparative Animal Physiology, since 1993 from 2nd year BSc to last year Msc students in Sciences at UCLouvain.