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Media education at the MiiL has focused on one important project called Smart'Web, a platform for teenagers' empowerment in online practices. The Smart'Web project aims at media education for all teenagers in Belgium. Media literacy is one of the priority areas of the MiiL. Smart'Web is subsidized by the Tides foundation and the UCLouvain.

The bases of the project

The project, imagined by the MiiL Research, has been theorised by a committee of expert researchers and professors.

The dynamic realisation

The technical and stylistic design of the project is conceived by young people for young people: indeed, about twenty young adults with very varied expertise (computer scientists, directors, civil engineers, graphic designers, translators, psychologists, novelists, communication officers, video editors...) have worked on the development of a platform that is the most adapted to the needs of adolescents.

If you wish to obtain access to the platform, please send your request to: