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Call for short papers

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In addition to the keynote sessions, a 'short papers' session will be organized to enable participants to present their most recent research and/or work in progress. We invite abstracts addressing topics such as:

  • (Corpus) linguistic methods applied to the study of organizational communication
  • Analyses of functional and formal characteristics of business language
    • Clear and simple (written or oral) communication within organizations
    • "English as a lingua franca" in organizational communication
    • Communication in English between native and non-native speakers within organizations
    • Intercultural communication in multilingual business communication

We welcome contributions about languages other than Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

The short papers will be presented in English (10-minute presentation + 5 minutes for questions).

Abstract submissions (in English, between 300 and 500 words) should be sent by 8 February 15 February 2021: to the following address: Abstracts submitted as an attached document need to be anonymized (the name/s of the author/s should feature in the email message).

Acceptance for posters will be notified by 15 March 2021.